June, 2012 – A Year in Review & A Look at What Lies Ahead


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A Year in Review & A Look at What Lies Ahead


By Jessica Small



After countless hours of staring at books, researching topics, and figuring out how to use a $120 calculator, the finish line is finally in sight. I have survived my junior year of high school, and it is officially the long-awaited “end of the year.”


With classes reaching their completion and the long awaited humid, hot Florida summer approaching, I have a lot of mixed feelings.


On the one hand, I am sad. High school has been such a huge learning experience – both in and out of the classroom. It’s so strange to think that I have just one year left before I leave Wellington High behind. I am sad this year is over, because it has been a particularly pleasant one. I rose to higher positions of leadership in thinkPINKkids (a club that raises money for breast cancer research), the school newspaper (whswave.com), and dance team. I took on incredibly difficult courses, and have somehow managed to endure them. I made more friends, and became closer with a select few.


Yet, I am also very excited for what the future holds for me. I know my senior year will be even busier, even more enjoyable, and hopefully even more memorable. I look forward to fun times in my extracurricular activities and even to those late-night, last-minute cram study sessions.


Watching the class of 2012 graduate has really put things into perspective for me. I am officially a senior. In just a few months, I’ll be applying to colleges. In less than a year, I will be preparing to venture off into a new chapter of my life. And now, I find myself constantly researching colleges and universities, comparing prices and locations.


I guess what it comes down to is that I’m anxious. I’m anxious to leave behind my days of secondary school. I’m anxious to be teetering on the edge between reliance on my parents and total independence. Everything is so up in the air right now, and sometimes it’s just completely overwhelming! But I think that’s good. I think it’s important for every teen to look into what they want to do with their life, even if it is overwhelming to contemplate at times. No one’s saying that teenagers should have a life plan by the time their 20. However, it is important to be a few steps ahead of yourself.


I think that’s a lesson we can all benefit from. There’re many advantages to researching and planning for the future. Whether you’re determining which college is the best fit for you or deciding to move across the country or choosing to get married or anything really, it’s important to always review the past and plan for what lies ahead.


Jessica Small is a rising senior at Wellington High School. She is the Editor-in-Chief of her school’s online publication, whswave.com. She is enrolled in rigorous courses at WHS and aspires to study journalism and business in college. She is involved in her high school dance team and is also the current president of thinkPINKkids.