June, 2012 – Creativity Never Dies: Break the Cycle


Dare To Dream

Creativity Never Dies: Break the Cycle

By D. Gatekeeper

Hello Dreamers!

I recently came across an online article that spoke about creativity. The article explained that as we grow from a child into adulthood, we lose some of our creative prowess. By the time we are adults, we don’t even exercise that part of our brain nearly as much as we once did as children. The article offered a few reasons why this is now the reality of the society we live in today.

creativity-01I found the education system to be the most interesting of the reasons examined. Our education system is designed to focus on subjects (math and science) that most people do not utilize in the work place on an everyday basis. Arts are toward the bottom of the list of consideration in most school curriculums. There have been many studies performed that indicate that art, music, dance, acting and other arts help students absorb, retain, and recall the information better. There are many schools that adopt this reasoning, and the students are much better adjusted and well-prepared for life in general because of it.

As adults, we live such busy lives that we seem to be disconnected from ourselves in a way. There isn’t much time taken to reflect and examine ourselves. This exercise is a great barometer for our quality of life. When we take time out we are able to relax and revive our spirit. A lot of times this is accomplished by having leisure time to express ourselves in various ways. The benefit is we can continue to learn and grow. It’s never too late to break the cycle and reconnect with the true you.


Afterthought:  Even though our creativity engagement might have gotten away from us, it’s never too late to go back and rekindle that fire inside of us. It is naturally a part of us and if we exercise it, we never forget how to access it and use it. “How will you break the cycle in your life and regain your creative footprint?”

We are always looking to profile people making a difference and making dreams come true for themselves and others. Please submit stories (for possible use) to [email protected].

D. Gatekeeper is the curator of the blog State of Dreams. State of Dreams explores the universe of dreams and the power they contain. Through them we can imagine and create. State of Dreams will premiere in fall 2012. D. Gatekeeper can be reached at [email protected].  © 2012 State of Dreams.