June, 2012 – Vacation Bible School


Vacation Bible School at St. Michael’s

    Community children ages three through those having completed grade six are invited to participate in Vacation Bible School to be held at St. Michael Lutheran Church located at the corner of Birkdale Drive and Forest Hill Boulevard in Wellington, from Monday, July 9 to Friday, July 13, 6:30 to 8:45 pm.  The theme is Operation Overboard: Dare to Go Deep with God.  

Through interactive lessons that are easy for kids to apply to their lives today, they will “go deep” into God’s Word, exploring Bible stories of people who revealed deep faith by knowing how to Depend on God, Dare to care, Claim Jesus, Choose to follow,  and Change the world. 


Pastor Marjorie Weiss says,  “Each evening kids will sing catchy songs, play teamwork-building games and be immersed in the imaginative environment of the ocean.”  The cost is $10 per student.  There will also be an offering received each night that will be used to for Oasis Compassion food Pantry in Greenacres.


To register, contact 561-793-4999 or e-mail [email protected].