June, 2013 – New President of YWCA


New President of YWCA for Palm Beach County

Gayle A. Landen has been elected and installed as the new President of the YWCA of Palm Beach County, Florida. Landen has considerable experienceGayle_Landen_Photo_Color_6-13 in leading not for profit organizations in the local community, especially those supporting women and children. She has served as President of the Center for Children in Crisis; American Lung Association of Florida, Southeast Area, Palm Beach; American Society of Training and Development; Executive Women of the Palm Beaches; and the Women’s Chamber of Commerce. She is formerly the Executive Director of Community in Schools.  She is currently the Commander of the Commandery of the Palm Beaches, Sovereign Order of St. John of Jerusalem, Knights Hospitaller.

For her professional and volunteer work she has been honored with the ATHENA Award, March of Dimes Woman of Distinction Award, and the Executive Women of the Palm Beaches Woman in Leadership Award for the Volunteer Sector.

Prior to moving to Palm Beach County 26 years ago from Michigan, she had a distinguished career in management with General Motors Corporation.

Also installed at the recent annual membership luncheon of the YWCA were Alexcia Cox, 1st Vice President; Karen Swanson, 2nd Vice President; Theresa LePore, Secretary; and Eileen Daly, Treasurer.  Newly elected to the Board for a two-year term were Henrietta McBee, Linda Wartow and Valerie Wright.