June, 2013 – WHS Project Graduation


Project Graduation Event Provides 289 Wellington High School

2013 Graduating Seniors with an Amazing Celebration

Wellington, FL (June 11) – On Monday, May 21, 289 graduating seniors from Wellington High School enjoyed an all-night party at the Village Park Gym. WELLINGTON PROJECT GRADUATION was a safe celebration of friends, memories and good times with plenty of prizes, food, and entertainment. Karen Herrick, co-chair of the event stated “it is an event coordinated by volunteer parents, raising funds in partnership with community businesses, and dedicated to providing a safe alternative for graduates to celebrate the end of their high school career.” The concept of Project Graduation is to reduce teenage alcohol and drug related accident fatalities as a result of graduation celebrations. The party began at 10 PM on graduation night and the fun continued until 5 AM while graduates were entertained by a DJ, magician, caricature and ink tattoo artists, huge inflatable games/rides, a hypnotist, casino games and much, much more. Food and drinks donated by local restaurants were served throughout the night. “This event was a huge undertaking,” said Herrick, “and it would not have been possible without the dedicated efforts of dozens of volunteers and backing from the local business community. Special thanks go out to all the volunteers and supporters who helped make this event possible.”


“It costs approximately $25,000 each year to conduct PROJECT GRADUATION which takes some dedicated coordination,” said Herrick. “Fundraisers are an important part of the planning process, and the time to start is now,” she added. The committee held a variety of events to help raise additional funds including a December golf tournament at the Wanderers Club, which brought in approximately $9,000. But the event would not have been the success it was without the generous support of the Wellington business community. The Palm Beach County schools do not provide any funding for this event. Mark and Katherine Bellissimo and the Equestrian Sport Productions Team anchored the event with their generous platinum level sponsorship.

Herrick mentioned, “We had some final sponsorship funds we needed to secure and the Wellington Chamber of Commerce Board of Directors and friends, Anne Gerwig and Glenn Straub, pulled together the funds to make sure it would happen. Glenn Straub provided a matching sponsorship to ensure these final financial concerns were taken care of and the event planning moved ahead at full force.” Other gold level sponsorships included Flight Safety International, the Mall at Wellington Green, Southern Waste Systems, Starbucks Coffee Company, Steinger, Iscoe & Greene, Studio One to One, and the Wanderers Club. It was an amazing feeling knowing the business community was behind you to provide a safe and exciting celebration for these high school graduates.”


The 2013 committee will now turn over the planning to volunteer parents of the 2014 graduating class from Wellington High School. “We have a wealth of information and the initial funding to help the new group get off to a fast start. We are looking for a few strong volunteers to step up and begin the plans for next year’s event. “We had fantastic support from the 2012 committee,” said Herrick. “Members of the 2013 committee will be happy to meet with the 2014 volunteers, provide support and answer any questions they might have.” Herrick said, “It was a year filled with planning and fund raising challenges but it was all worth it to see such a diverse group of graduates enjoying their celebration in a safe but fun environment.”


The final meeting for volunteers from the class of 2013 and the kick-off meeting for the class of 2014 will meet at Duffy’s at 11935 Southern Boulevard on Wednesday, June 19th from 7 to 8 PM. Anyone interested in more details about planning the event should contact the 2013 committee at [email protected].

Hypnotist casts his spell over 289 Wellington Project Graduation 2013 participants.

For additional information on this event or to schedule an interview with the Wellington Project Graduation Committee please call Karen Herrick at (561) 389-6962.