June, 2015 – Wellington Rotary Club announces Peace Contest Winners


Rotary Club of Wellington Announces United Nations Peace Ceremony Winners for 2015- For Immediate Release – June 3rd, 2015

The Rotary Club of Wellington is proud to announce its United Nations Rotary Peace Ceremony Contest winners for 2015.  The contests were held throughout the Wellington School District.  The Rotary Peace Initiative is aimed at having local area students think about world peace in terms of conflict resolution and multi-cultural understanding.  We had record participation in our contests from the school children from elementary school to high school.  All awards will be presented at the Wellington Rotary Club’s World Peace Ceremony on September 20th, 2015.

The Peace Poster contest was held for the 4th grade and the winners are as follows:  Binks Forest Elementary School- Kaitlin Han (overall contest winner) and her teacher, Mrs. Gifford. Kaitlin wins $75.00.    Elbridge Gail Elementary School- Amelia Perusse, and her teacher Dr. Nicole Crane.  Equestrian Trails Elementary School- Mark Egan, and his teacher Mrs. Tolley.  Panther Run Elementary School- Adriana Gravellese, and her teacher Mrs. Salehi.  New Horizons Elementary School- Sophia Hernandez, and her teacher Mrs. Mau.    Each individual student winner will be awarded $50.00 at the ceremony.   Also the teachers will receive $50.00 for classroom supplies.  Also want to thank members of the Rotary Club including Don Gross, Tiffany Rodriguez, and Debi Yohn for coordinating these competitions.   Congratulations to all of the poster contest winners and their teachers.

The Poetry Competition was run in the Middle Schools including Polo Park and Emerald Cove.  The winner from Polo Park is Jason Benhardus, and his teacher is Ms. Hruska.  The winner from Emerald Cove is Sydney Nguyen, and her teacher is Amy Yuzenas.  Each student wins $75.00 and teachers win $50.00 for classroom supplies. We thank Rotary member Susan O’Dell for coordinating this competition.


Finally, the Essay Competition was run in Wellington High School and Palm Beach Central High School.  The winner from Palm Beach Central is Jared Gott, and his teacher is Stephanie Baker.   The winner from Wellington High School is Emily McClimans, and her teacher is Flora Rigolo.  Both students will win $100.00 and teachers will win $50.00 for classroom use.  We want to thank Tom Carreras for coordinating this contest.

All students will be honored and will receive their awards at our Peace Ceremony on Sunday September 20, 2015 at the Wellington Rotary Peace Park on Royal Fern Drive (next to the Wellington Library.  All families and friends of the contest winners are encouraged to attend.   We want to thank all of the teachers and the students who participated in our various contests.  Without your support, these contests would not be possible.  This is an integral part of our yearly Rotary Peace Initiative in the Wellington Community.  We want to take this opportunity to invite the entire Wellington community to our annual ceremony on September 20th, 2015.  Finally, we wish to thank Larry Kemp, Peace Initiative Chairman, for coordinating all of the events for the Rotary Club of Wellington Peace Initiative.

For Immediate Release- Any questions, contact Bob Salerno of the Rotary Club of Wellington (561) 512-8247 or e-mail: .

Members of Rotary Club of Wellington Peace Contests Committee – from left Tom Carreras, Debi Yohn, Tiffany Rodriguez, Herta Suess, Don Gross, Susan O’Dell , and Chairman Larry Kemp.