League of Women Voters of Palm Beach County to Host Three Informative Events in January & February


+ Hot Topic Luncheon on the Financial Impact of Art/Culture & Hospitality Tourism in Palm Beach County – January 15

+ Connect & Reboot Session with Dave Aronberg – February 8

+ I Stand With the League Luncheon & Awards – February 26

(West Palm Beach, FL – January 8, 2025) The League of Women Voters of Palm Beach County (LWVPBC)is kicking off 2025 by inviting League members and other issue activists to three informative events in January and February:

Wednesday, January 15  / 11 am to 1 pm

Hot Topic Discussion


The Financial Impact of Art/Culture & Hospitality/Tourism

in The Palm Beaches

Guest Speakers:

·           David Lawrence, President & CEO, Cultural Council for Palm Beach County

·           Milton Segarra, President & CEO, Discover The Palm Beaches

In Palm Beach County, the arts generate $335.3 million in economic impact and 4,360 jobs, while tourism is among Palm Beach County’s major industries, generating an annual economic impact of approximately $10 billion and supporting more than 85,000 local jobs

Where: Fountains Country Club, 4476 Fountains Drive in Lake Worth 33467  (South of Lake Worth Road, West of Jog Road)

Registration Fee: $45


+ Doors open at 11:00 am. The 3-course, sit-down lunch begins at 11:30 am, the program starts at noon.

+ Advance registrations and payment must be made online by Jan. 9 at https://www.lwvpbc.org/content.aspx?page_id=4091&club_id=294802&item_id=2435731

Saturday, February 8 / 10 am to Noon

Connect & Reboot Session

Guest Speaker:

·           Dave Aronberg, Former State Attorney, 15th Circuit; Florida Senator; and Assistant Attorney General

This free event is targeted to League members and anyone curious about the nonprofit organization’s efforts in such areas as Voter Services, Gun Safety, National Popular Vote, Voting Rights, Health Care, and more.

Where: South County Civic Center, 16700 Jog Road in Delray Beach 33446


Advance registration required online at www.LWVPBC.org or call/text 561.276.4898.

Wednesday, February 26 / 11 am to 1 pm

I Stand with the League Luncheon & Awards

Guest Speakers:

·           Katie Phang, Esq., Host of a weekly show on Saturdays at noon on MSNBC, and a Lega Contributor to NBC News & MSNBC.

·           Robert Watson, Ph.D., Historian, Author, Media Commentator, and Lynn University Professor

The League’s annual fundraiser will include a 3-course seated lunch, renowned speakers, presentation of the League’s Mavericks & Heroes Award, a silent auction of fabulous gift baskets and more, and the opportunity to meet and connect with many of Palm Beach County’s most active citizens, office holders, business leaders, community influencers, and local decision-makers.

Where: Marriott West Palm Beach, 1001 Okeechobee Blvd in West Palm Beach 33401

Tickets: $150


+ Ticketscan be purchased online at www.LWVPBC.org. The deadline for RSVPs is February 19, 2024.

+ Luncheon Honorary Chair is Keely Gideon-Taylor, Community Relations Manager for The Palm Beach Post and Gannett Southeast Florida Properties

+ Sponsors and underwriters (so far) for this fundraising luncheon include The Palm Beach Post; FPL; Searcy Denney Scarola Barnhart & ShIpley P.A.; Smith Ball Baez & Prather Florida Injury Lawyers; Lesser Lesser Landy & Smith PLLC; and PR-BS, Inc.

About the League of Women Voters of Palm Beach County:

The League of Women Voters of Palm Beach County is a nonpartisan political organization of women and men of all ages and backgrounds, encouraging informed and active participation in government through education and advocacy. The League of Women Voters of the United States believes that voting is a fundamental citizen right that must be guaranteed. For more information, please visit lwvpbc.org or 
