League of Women Voters PBC Invites Public to Informative & FREE Zoom Conversation in April


League of Women Voters of Palm Beach County

Invites Public to an Informative and FREE

Zoom Conversation in April 2021

Palm Beach County Schools – April 7

(West Palm Beach, FL – April 5, 2021) The League of Women Voters of Palm Beach County (LWVPBC) invited concerned adults to a timely, informative and FREE Zoom Conversation in April:

Wednesday, April 7 at pm

Conversations with the League

Palm Beach County Schools

Guest Speaker: Edward Tierney, Chief of Staff for the School District of Palm Beach County, the 10th largest school district in the nation and fourth largest in the State of Florida.

Edward Tierney

Background: How is the School District working to close the “digital divide” in Palm Beach County, and how is the District preparing for its next strategic plan, including using community input and lessons learned to inform where resources should be focused in the years ahead. Tierney, who has worked for the District for 8 years and has held a variety of positions from Behavior Intervention Associate to Principal of John I. Leonard High School, will discuss the current legislative session and court rulings, and how they may affect the School District.

How to Connect:

To connect with this Zoom chat, please visit: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/85845235206?pwd=VDhac2V3b0lETGVjVk5pdDhqZ3p0QT09

About the League of Women Voters of Palm Beach County:

The League of Women Voters of Palm Beach County is a nonpartisan political organization of women and men of all ages and backgrounds, encouraging informed and active participation in government through education and advocacy. The League of Women Voters of the United States believes that voting is a fundamental citizen right that must be guaranteed. For more information, please visit www.lwvpbc.org or www.facebook.com/lwvpbc.