League of Women Voters of Palm Beach County Invites Public to Two Timely, Informative and FREE Zoom Chats in March 2021

Why Care About Solar? – March 3
Economic Development in Palm Beach County – March 17
(West Palm Beach, FL – February 19, 2021) The League of Women Voters of Palm Beach County (LWVPBC)today invited concerned adults to two timely, informative and FREE Zoom Chats net month:
Wednesday, March 3 at 6 pm
Conversation with the League
Why Care About Solar?
Guest Speaker: Diane Marks, Solar Co-Op Expert
+ Background: Marks has been active in LWVPBC since 2014 as Secretary of the Board, on Voter Services, Finance, Budget, Special Events Committees and the Environment Issue Group. In 2017, she was invited by Deirdre Macnab, Environmental VP for LWVFL, to run a Solar Co-op in Palm Beach County. An organization named Solar United Neighbors (SUN) was creating Solar Co-ops in five different states and worked with the League to get started in Florida. Currently, local League chapters have set-up 55 different Co-ops across the state, persuading thousands of homeowners to install solar panels. In fact, the League of Women Voters Palm Beach County launched the third local Solar Co-op just last month.
+ How to Connect:
To connect with this Zoom chat, please visit: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/85845235206?pwd=VDhac2V3b0lETGVjVk5pdDhqZ3p0QT09
Wednesday, March 17 at Noon
Hot Topic Discussion
Economic Development in Palm Beach County
Guest Speaker: Kelly L. Smallridge, President and CEO of Palm Beach County’s public/private economic development agency, the Business Development Board of Palm Beach County (BDB)
+ Background: Smallridge has worked for the BDB for 32 years, serves as the longest tenured economic development President in the State of Florida, and has a solid track record in facilitating some of the largest job creation projects for Palm Beach County. In 2013, Governor Rick Scott awarded Kelly with the Governor’s Ambassador Medal recognizing her hard work in creating jobs in Palm Beach County. She oversees all operations of the Business Development Board which is one of only two Accredited Economic Development Boards in the State of Florida. Her aggressive style in landing relocations and expansions has led to big announcements of jobs for this county from companies like United Technologies, Amazon, ADT, Pratt & Whitney, G4S, Fed Ex, Sikorsky Helicopters, Aldi, and TBC Corporation to name a few.
+ How to Connect:
Advance registration for this Zoom webinar is required at:
About the League of Women Voters of Palm Beach County:
The League of Women Voters of Palm Beach County is a nonpartisan political organization of women and men of all ages and backgrounds, encouraging informed and active participation in government through education and advocacy. The League of Women Voters of the United States believes that voting is a fundamental citizen right that must be guaranteed. For more information, please visit www.lwvpbc.org or www.facebook.com/lwvpbc.