Wellington Cares is Now Our Community Cares and Is Serving More Seniors

Board members: (left to right – Bill Maher, Petra Pitkonen, Kathy Foster, Cheryl Anders, Marion
Frank, Marge Sullivan)

Wellington, FL, July 2, 2024 – Wellington Cares officially changed its name to Our
Community Cares. Since 2010 Wellington Cares has been coordinating volunteers of all ages
to assist in enabling persons 65 and over to remain in their homes with the help of volunteers.
In 2020, service was expanded to the Royal Palm Beach senior community. As the
organization continues to look for expansion opportunities, the new name and image further
supports their mission of providing no cost services to the senior community.

“The rebranding of Wellington Cares to Our Community Cares represents an exciting time of
growth for our organization,” said Bill Maher, board member and marketing chair. “Our
mission is already proving successful in helping seniors age in the comfort and familiarity of
their own homes. Representing ourselves as Our Community Cares reminds us that as we
grow our efforts to spread awareness to those in need and find volunteers to help in the
delivery of our services. Identifying those with the ability to aid our efforts financially comes
directly from within the communities we serve.”

Our Community Cares free services include: transportation (door-through-door) to medical
appointments, food shopping, and places of worship. Other services include pick-up and
delivery of prescriptions; socialization through home visits and phone calls; advocacy in
scheduling appointments and written communication; and coordinating services available to
participants within the community.

The official announcement of the new name and desire for expansion came at a packed
reception at Village Music in Wellington. Guests included community leaders, volunteers from
the organization, and supporters from over the years. The evening began with a welcome from
board chair Cheryl Anders who gave a brief history of the organization and announced since
its inception, the organization has provided more than $1M of free support. Director of
Operations, Diane Gutman followed with information including a record 660 participant
engagements and a new high of 840 volunteer hours in Q1 2024. She also shared that over
16,000 volunteer miles are driven annually in support of program participants. The launch
event and support to aid recent growth trends, has largely been made possible through a
capacity building grant from Palm Health Foundation.

Although participants must be residents of Wellington or Royal Palm Beach to receive
services, volunteers may be from anywhere and pass a level 2 background check. For more
information on services, volunteering, or being a participant, please contact Our Community
Cares at 561-568-8818.

Wellington Cares dba Our Community Cares is a community-based, not-for-profit organization
committed to coordinating volunteers of all ages to assist in enabling persons 65 and over to
remain in their home with the support of volunteers and local organizations. Please visit
www.OurCommunityCaresFL.org for more information.