Loggerhead Marinelife Center Calendar Listings 


Loggerhead Marinelife Center Calendar Listings 

Turtle Talk – Every Sunday @ 10:30 a.m.


Sue Thompson [email protected]

Turtle Talk is an interactive way to engage visitors 8 years and older in a lecture style program and tour. The program will be 30 minutes and is designed to educate young adults and adults about sea turtle biology, ecology, and conservation. The presentation will be 20 minutes followed by 5 minutes in the Rinker Breezeway to discuss the Rescue to Release wall and 5 minutes outside of the Hospital to discuss sea turtle rehabilitation. The program will be free to the public. The program will run every Sunday from October until April. The program will begin at 10:30am and conclude at 11:00am.
No pre-registration is required.
Contact: Sue Thompson at [email protected]

Mommy & Me Paint! – Every Thursday @ 10:30 a.m.

Cost: $8 for one Painter; $12 for two painters

Sue Thompson [email protected]

The Mommy & Me Paint program is offered each Thursday morning during the winter season at 10:30 a.m. and designed to introduce basic sea turtle conservation and biology to young children. The program begins with a brief ocean-themed story and includes a hands-on biofact lesson following a painting activity. Participants have an opportunity to take home their painted turtles and their new sea turtle knowledge.


Astronomy Nights – November 10 @ 6 – 9 p.m.

Cost: $10 adults, $5 children

Ages 8+

Sue Thompson [email protected]

Our Astronomy Nights program is offered once a month based on the activity of the night sky. Aside from learning about the stars and planets, this program also touches on light pollution and sky glow, encouraging guests to increase their awareness of their impact on the environment. The night will begin with a seminar led by the Astronomical Society of the Palm Beaches, featuring highlights of the current night sky and end with a look through powerful telescopes and binoculars to get a closer view.


Eco Adventure Series: Wild Child – November 18 @ 10 a.m. – 12 p.m.

Cost: $5

Hannah Campbell [email protected]

Bring out their inner explorer as your wild child explores the Florida outdoors through hands-on, sea turtle-approved activities. Ages 2-5.

Join Loggerhead Marinelife Center (LMC) biologists on local eco excursions and explore the diverse coastal ecosystems of Florida. From river to reef, participants will learn about local flora and fauna as well as gain an insight into the importance of these delicate ecosystems in their community.

Hatchling Tales – Every Wednesday 10:30 a.m.


Sue Thompson [email protected]

Our Hatchling Tales program is geared towards toddlers with a natural curiosity for marine life and sea turtles. In this free, ocean-inspired program, children will enjoy an ocean-themed story coupled with a themed craft to create and take home. This program is designed to cater to young families in the community by offering a new story and craft each session, encouraging frequent visits and support.

https://www.marinelife.org/programs-events/visitor- experiences/

Living Beaches – Every Monday @ 10:30 a.m.

Free – Sign-up at Guest Services Desk

Sue Thompson [email protected]

Join Loggerhead Marinelife Center staff and discover just how alive our beaches are with an interactive presentation and backyard beach expedition. Over this hour-long course, we will discuss the common residents of Florida’s coastal ecosystems and discover how these curious creatures make their long journey from the ocean to our beautiful beaches.

https://www.marinelife.org/programs-events/visitor- experiences/

Hammock Hike – Every Friday @ 10:30 a.m.

Free – Sign-up at Guest Services Desk

Sue Thompson [email protected]

Led by an experienced naturalist, our hammock hikes are an excursion through some of Florida’s most precious habitat. Navigating through the rare coastal hammock and natural dune systems, you will learn the birds in the trees all the way to the grains of sand on the beach. Registration begins at 10:00 a.m. at the Guest Services desk in the main lobby.

https://www.marinelife.org/programs-events/visitor- experiences/