March, 2010 – Community Chats for Action on March 25th


Press Release


From:               YWCA of Palm Beach County

Re:                   Community Chats for Action Kickoff

Date:                March 17, 2010

Contact:           Allyson Samiljan – 561-640-0050





The YWCA of Palm Beach County announces the kickoff of the second series of Community Chats for Action on Thursday, March 25, 2010 at the Historical Society Museum in the old Palm Beach County Courthouse, 300 North Dixie Highway, West Palm Beach.  The evening will begin at 5:30 p.m. with a tour of the Museum and will continue with the kickoff following at 6:30 p.m.


The Community Chats for Action, organized by the YWCA, along with Converge & Associates Consulting, is a candid, open, city-wide dialogue about race and ethnicity.  The goal is to create greater unity in our communities, workplaces, schools, and the political arena.  Endorsed by Mayor Lois Frankel and the West Palm Beach City Commission, the first series of Community Chats began last fall with more than 150 people representing a variety of races and ethnicities in attendance..  Also in participating were representatives from 25 community agencies that are committed to the goal of the program.


Thereafter, six adult chat groups comprised of individual of various races and ethnicities and one youth chat group, led by a team of trained facilitators, met weekly for four weeks at various locations throughout the City.  At the conclusion of the four sessions, action activities were chosen that are now being implemented.  The chats proved to be personally enlightening to the individual participants, expressed Suzanne Turner, CEO of the YWCA.  Given the success of the initial series, the planned round of chats will take place during the month of April and follow a similar format.


For more information about the Community Chats for Action or to make a reservation to attend the kickoff, please call 561-640-0050.