March, 2010 – Florida AIDS Walk on March 28th


Florida AIDS Walk, March 28, 2010, Huizenga Plaza, Fort Lauderdale

Florida AIDS Walk registration has begun.  Log onto, sign up, and sponsor yourself for $25 and receive a free gift. Team Captains, look for a special event in February and March.  Top team and individual fundraisers will receive a prize! (To be determined close of business March 26th with confirmed donations)

Testing America Tour

Florida AIDS Walk is proud to announce a statewide HIV testing campaign in conjunction with the Walk. The campaign will culminate with the arrival of AIDS Healthcare Foundation’s mobile testing units at the Florida AIDS Walk where everyone is invited get tested for free.

The AHF Pensacola Mobile Testing Unit, which is shown below, will have a 14 day/14 city rapid testing tour across Florida, which will begin in Pensacola and end in Fort Lauderdale on Sunday, March 28 at the Florida AIDS Walk.