March, 2010 – Sci-Fi Apps for the iPhone


The Space RoomAnna Sanclement with husband John and baby Emma

Everything Sci-Fi & a Little Astronomy


Sci-Fi Apps for the iPhone


by Anna Sanclement


By now, everyone either has an iPhone or knows someone who does. This ‘smartphone’ has revolutionized the way we see cell phones and how we use them.


Shortly after it was introduced, a license was released to let companies develop all kinds of applications that could be used with the iPhone. So now, thousands of ‘apps’ have been invented that let you make all kinds of gadgets out of the phone.


iPhones can now serve as anything from flashlights, pocket planetariums, game consoles and diet aids to desk clocks, music radios and car navigators. So of course, being that it has become a phone of science fiction, the iPhone should definitely have some good sci-fi apps (and games) as well.


Here are a few worth considering: (These can be obtained in the App Store through your iPhone)


Sentinel 2: Earth Defense


This is a sci-fi game that expands on the Sentinel: Mars Defense. In this new game the aliens are now after Earth, and you, the player, have to save the planet from them. The graphics are really well rendered and the game has many layers. It has been called one of the best games on the App Store.

Rating: ????1/2 – Price: $2.99


SCI FI Wire Reader


This is an app that delivers news about movies, games, TV programs, books, celebrities and much more.  All types of hot news on the science fiction realm are delivered daily along with videos, trailers, top ten lists, Q & A, and sneak peeks into upcoming sci-fi show seasons. 

Rating: ???? – Price: Free


Sci-Fi Bundle Pack: AmbiScience Productivity Aid


This app is from the Ambiscience series of Brainwave applications, it can be used with or without headphones. The app consists of a list of ambient sci-fi music that helps in staying focused and being productive. The tracks contained in this pack all have a sci-fi theme and make you feel as you are indeed floating through space. The tracks can also help you sleep and relax with their Brainwave Entrainment. This is a bundle pack that contains multiple applications. 

Rating: ?????– Price: $1.99


Mass Effect: Redemption issue 1 of 4


This app is based on the popular Xbox game, and it is a comic tale that tells the story of what happened after Commander Shepard disappears. This comic is a must read for followers of the game and it is an integral part of the Mass Effect Universe. The graphics quality of the comic are awesome and the story will leave you anxiously waiting for the next installment.

Rating: ?????1/2 – Price: $0.99


Sci Fi Quiz 201


A fun game of sci-fi trivia that will keep you entertained with multiple questions. Play on your own or against friends. You can even get assistance on questions you don’t know by emailing a friend directly from the quiz. A good way to pass the time while bored, or waiting for an appointment.

Rating: ???? – Price: $0.99


100 SciFi Stories


This app is just what it says, 100 science fiction stories; and there are more on the way. The stories include novelettes, full length novels and short stories, all in the sci-fi genre. The reader has adjusting text size, 2 scrolling modes and bookmarks for each separate story. Updates with new stories are free with initial purchase.

Rating: ????? – Price: $0.99



Sky events this month, March of 2010:


The Last Quarter Moon happens on Sunday the 7th, the New Moon will be on Monday the 15th. The Last Quarter Moon will be occurring on Tuesday the 23rd we will have a Full Moon on Monday the 29th.


Saturn will be reaching opposition on March 21st and its rings will slowly start to tilt sideways so that we’ll be able to see them again as the year moves on. During March, Saturn rises near sunset and as the month progresses it comes up a little earlier each day.


At mid-month as twilight starts fading, Saturn will be well above the eastern horizon and in a good position to view with a telescope.


Three other planets are also visible during March. Venus is in the western horizon at sunset and rises high in the sky for about an hour before going back down. Mercury is also on the western horizon at sunset, but it is below Venus, lower in the sky. Mars is still bright, but will be dimming steadily as the month progresses. The red planet can be seen high overhead in the evenings and into the night.


Looking towards the southeastern sky at the Orion constellation, you can spot the star Betelgeuse. It is bright orange and lies to the top right hand corner of Orion. Then, moving on to the left hand lower corner you will find bright and bluish-white Rigel.


Then looking a few degrees below Betelgeuse, you will easily spot Sirius, brightly twinkling and still dominating the late winter skies.


Don’t forget to turn the clocks forward an hour on March 14th as daylight savings time begins. Also, remember that the spring will be arriving on March the 20th for the northern hemisphere.


Look on up and smile!


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You can read other articles and tips by Anna on these websites:  




Anna Sanclement writes from home and has recently started to write articles for various Internet sites. She has also finished a novel and has written many stories and a movie script, just for fun.