March, 2010 – Wycliffe Charities Hosts Annual Outing


Wycliffe Charities Hosts Annual Outing


When residents of the Wycliffe Golf & Country Club community in Wellington, Florida, resurrected Wycliffe Charities in 2007, then President, Marian Rubin made a promise to herself to increase their contribution to local charities in the Palm Beach County as each year progressed. Since its inception in 1993, Wycliffe Charities has donated over $750,000 to local Palm Beach County charitable organizations including: Hospice of Palm Beach County, Home Safe, Caridad Health Clinic, our local Fire Rescue Unit, Palm Beach Habilitation, Mental Health Association of PBC, Amara Transportation, Voices for Children, Hope Project, Quantum House and others.


On March 1, 2010, Wycliffe Charities will host its annual outing. In year’s past this event only included a Golf outing; however this year Tennis has been added.  There are various levels of sponsorship, ranging from $100 to $5,000, for those who are looking to participate or just donate.    The day will be full of fundraising events such as a shotgun best ball golf tournament, tennis round robin tournament, lunch, silent auction and raffle.  The proceeds from this event will go to help local health and children’s organizations in Palm Beach County.


For more information on sponsorship or donation opportunities please contact Sue Webber of Wycliffe Charities at [email protected].