March, 2012 – Lake Worth Downtown Cultural Alliance presents Second Saturday Sidewalk Sale


Lake Worth Downtown Cultural Alliance presents Second Saturday Sidewalk Sale

March 10- 10AM-4PM

Lake Worth Merchants Open Up Sidewalks

Merchandise, Food, Music and Fun for All


The DCA (Downtown Cultural Alliance) of Lake Worth holds its March Second Saturday Sidewalk Sale on Saturday, March 10 from 10AM-4PM.  All residents of Lake Worth are invited to participate in this Bazaar of All Nations event.  The March sale will bring hundreds of visitors to Lake Worth eager to find the many bargains shop owners and townspeople have gathered for them.  Adults and children alike will be displaying their wares up and down Lake Avenue and on parts of Lucerne.  This is fast becoming the largest community sale in Palm Beach County.


Lake Worth has some of the most creative jewelers and jewelry crafters in the county.  All of the shops will feature their finest works.  Individual artists will be on the streets demonstrating and selling their works.   Because the wares within the shops and from the individual artists are so unique, you can travel from business to business and table to table seeing unusual gifts wherever you go.  There is a vast array of choice and price points. 


Residents of Lake Worth may bring up to three card tables filled with their treasures. The price per table is $10 for Lake Worth Residents and $15 for non-residents.  Table reservations and payments may be made at Studio 205, 600 Lake Avenue.  Lake Worth merchants will be selling their wares alongside their community neighbors.  Look for treasures, bargains and specials as well as tasty tidbits to nosh on.  Musicians and street artists will be welcome to come and showcase their talents.   Non-profits will be sharing schedules of events that will take place throughout the coming season.


The DCA (Downtown Cultural Alliance) has planned an exciting year of celebrations and activities designed to welcome the public to the Downtown town of Lake Worth.  Look for schedules of upcoming events for the entire season.


The Downtown Cultural Alliance (DCA) is a non-profit association of Downtown merchants and residents working together to keep Downtown Lake Worth vibrant and welcoming.


For additional information contact DCA:    Joyce Brown – 605 Lake Avenue – 215-205-9441