March, 2013 – Wings to Celebrate the Boston DieHards’ First Win

March, 2013 – A Special Coal-Fired Wings Luncheon to Celebrate the Boston DieHards’ First Win. Boston Diehards Captain Paul Brenner explains the reason for the celebration lunch at Anthony's Coal-Fired Pizza on 441 (in the Best Buy plaza) on March 5th, 2013. After an unfortunate losing streak of being 0-9 in their Wycliffe Stiffs stickball league, Adam (Manager of Anthony's) promised delicious coal-fired wings for the whole team, if they were able to win ONE game! For more information about the Wycliffe Stiffs, contact Commissioner Marty Ross: [email protected]. For take-out orders for Anthony’s Coal Fired Pizza, call them at (561) 615-1255.