March, 2013 – Celebrate Wellington!


Celebrate Wellington

Radio Club Commemorates Wellington’s Founding with

Mayor Margolis Greeting New Zealand’s Wellington Mayor Wade-Brown



Wellington, 2/27/13  – Wellington’s government became operational in March 1996 and the Wellington Radio Club will help celebrate its “birthday.” It will operate a “Special Event” shortwave station on Saturday, March 16th in Village Park.  The radio amateurs will inform their colleagues worldwide of Wellington’s anniversary and its evolution from a huge strawberry plantation to a bustling city of 60,000 people.  That station will link the mayors of two Wellingtons that are nearly on opposite sides of the globe!  It has been assigned a special FCC call-sign: “W4W”.


Radio Club President Larry Lazar pointed out that “Mayor Celia Wade-Brown of New Zealand will barely have time for her first cup of coffee, on her day-off no less, before exchanging greetings with Mayor Bob Margolis. While it’s 3:30pm, Saturday in Florida, it will be Sunday at 8:30am New Zealand time… she’s obviously very dedicated!”


Mayor Margolis is no stranger to this type of international goodwill gesture.  In 2003 at the dedication of the Wellington Emergency Operations Center, then “Councilman Margolis” spoke with the Mayor Wayne Guppy of New Zealand.  What was expected to be a 5-minute exchange lasted almost half an hour! That’s how much the two Wellington areas have in common.


Dit Dah, the Ham Clown
Dit Dah, the Ham Clown

Wellington Radio Club members will man their station from 9:30am to 4:30pm at Pavilion 3 in Village Park.  “Dit-Dah”,

Ron the Ham-Clown will be entertaining and making animal balloons.  From 2pm to 3pm there will be demonstrations of competition-level, radio controlled race cars.  Pavilion 3 is next to a great playground, so bring the kids and enjoy this special event.





Radio Club members volunteer at Wellington’s Emergency Operations and often partner with the Village of Wellington on communications projects.  To learn more about Amateur Radio, go to Wellington Radio Club website at and  The public is most cordially invited to come, meet and talk with the hams. See what modern Amateur Radio can do. They can even help you get on the air!