Wellington resident Cheryl Alker recently made a sinister and alarming discovery about the most used and trusted piece of furniture in her home which has prompted to start her own business to remedy this troubling statistic.

Her journey began 2 ½ years ago when she and her family of four moved into a neighborhood house. “We moved into the house in June” says Alker “and by early September I came down with a cold”. Obviously there is nothing unusual about the common cold but what followed were 9 months of relentless sickness for not only her but her husband and two children.

Man and woman blowing nose in bed istock photo

“At first I just thought we were passing our germs amongst each other” she says but it was the comment “you don’t think it’s the house that’s making you sick” made by her sister and a family friend that sparked Cheryl’s interest and investigative nature.

Tests did in fact show that the house had mold and when the family moved out of the house the following June their persistent headaches, coughs, high temperatures miraculously disappeared. “I found it remarkable that our house had made us so sick and having lived through such a nightmare I was determined to find out if there was anything else that we were living with that could cause persistent illness or allergic reactions”.

Her dissection of the possible allergens that could be found in a normal home led her to the horrific discovery that she and her family were actually “sleeping with the enemy” in fact not just one but millions! “Not only did I find out that the culprit were millions of dust mites living in our mattresses but they were feeding themselves on the skin flakes we shed every night.”

A joint conference of the American and Canadian Lung Associations held in May 2002 reported that microscopic dust mites, feeding on dead skin flakes that accumulate in the typical bedroom mattress are causing allergy and asthma attacks at alarming levels. Their findings, along with extensive medical evidence, indicates that dust mites excrete a compound called guanine which has been found to be the dominant cause of most allergies and other widespread maladies such as asthma, eczema, hay fever, bronchitis, inflammation of the mucous membranes, itchy read eyes, headaches, fatigue and depression.

Further investigation showed that unfortunately simply vacuuming your mattress would not eliminate the dust mites and unfortunately the traditional cleaning service companies who were offering mattress de-sanitizing were often or not using wet solutions and steam with toxic cleaning agents. This type of method was also costly and took 2-3 days for partial, surface drying which in turn would trap moisture inside the mattress creating an environment that promotes the growth of mold and mildew causing more allergens than they were eliminating.

Hygienitech machine image on mattressAlker found there were many news reports by CNN, Oprah, Dr. Oz, ABC News etc. highlighting the growing problem of dust mites and the allergens they produced. She also discovered that each report had one thing in common; they used the Hygienitech process to successfully eliminate the contaminants. The Hygienitech process is a low cost, safe, chemical-free, allergen eliminating service that combines high frequency, pulsating waves, incredible suction and a patented, high intensity germ killing, UV-C Germicidal lamp to pulverize and extract all the dust mites, bacteria, viruses, fungal spores, harmful organisms and other sediment that accumulates in your mattresses or any upholstered item in your home. It is also a dry, chemical free process, so there’s no odor, no drying time and its’ safe for any type of mattress or fabric.

The reports also showed that most people spend approximately one-third of their lives in bed, moving around frequently. As a result, even the slightest movement causes these harmful microscopic contaminants to become airborne for hours, living in the air that we breathe. Common sense tells us that if we can eliminate the cause, then we can eliminate the symptoms. It doesn’t matter how new a mattress is, how often you change the sheets, mattress cover, or even if you take the time to vacuum it once in a while, it will not touch these deeply embedded foes. Even the so-called hypoallergenic mattresses are not immune.

The Hygienitech system is a clinically developed, scientific and professional system which successfully removes the enemy within mattresses, chairs, sofas, draperies, carpets and kid’s toys.

Alker’s daughter had suffered with asthma as an infant so severely that one particular attack was life-threatening. “I wish I had known then what I know now” she says” as medical evidence points to the fact that exposure to these dust mites in the first year of life may very well trigger a lifelong allergy.” “Luckily my daughter now sleeps soundly as do we all knowing that our beds are contaminant free. Once I became a licensed Hygienitech technician I couldn’t wait to treat our own beds. I was shocked how much dust and therefore how many millions of dust mites I extracted from just a small test area of our less than one year old mattress” explains Alker.

You too can now rid your bed of the “Enemy”. The test takes minutes to perform and is now available absolutely FREE to local residents in West Palm Beach. To register for your FREE in-home, no-obligation test visit www.freehomeallergentest.com or contact Cheryl directly at [email protected].