March, 2015 – Rotary Club Campaign


March, 2015 – 5th Annual Underage Drinking Prevention Campaign

The Rotary Club of Wellington is proud to announce the 5th Annual Underage Drinking Prevention School campaign has culminated with the installation of the winning posters in all Palm Beach County school buses on February 26th, 2015 by Rotary Club of Wellington members

“This educational campaign is truly unique’” Tom Carreras, committee head for the Rotary Club of Wellington, shared, “as it brings the community together to help young people make healthy choices and avoid walking down the path of addiction.” Co-sponsored by the Palm Beach County Sheriff’s Office, Adobe Corporation, The South Florida Fair, Palm Beach County Substance Awareness Coalition, and the School District of Palm Beach County.  Prizes including software donated by Adobe Corporation and cash prizes will be awarded to the top six winners- two elementary, two middle school, and two high school students.

For more information about the Rotary Club of Wellington, contact Bob Salerno at (561) 512-8247 or [email protected].
