May, 2009 – Camp SeaStar of Hospice


May 4, 2009

Jennifer Martinez, Communications Manager
Hospice of Palm Beach County
(561) 273 -2194 or [email protected]

Camp SeaStar Welcomes Dozens of Children for Another Successful Year

Hospice of Palm Beach County Program Offers
Children A Safe Environment to Share Feelings

PALM BEACH COUNTY, FL. – With hope in the air and the sun shining high, Camp SeaStardozens of children packed their bags and came out for the annual sleep away camp, Camp SeaStar, hosted by Hospice of Palm Beach County’s John J. Brogan Bereavement Center. Each year, the camp welcomes children ages 5 – 18 who have lost someone close to them for a weekend of adventure that allows them an opportunity to share and understand their feelings.

“We designed this camp as a way of helping children who have experienced a loss,” said Regina DiPietro, Director of Supportive Services. “In a non-threatening environment we are able to counsel these children and help them identify ways to cope with their feelings. Most of the children leave with an improved self-esteem, better coping skills and a way to recognize and validate their feelings. They even leave with new friends!”

Camp SeaStar, now in its 11th year, has helped hundreds of children. The fun-filled weekend, which takes place at Everglades Youth Camp, includes: canoeing, swimming, a cabin decorating contest and tons of activities, all focused on honoring the loved ones they have lost. The finale of the weekend is a touching drum circle in which all campers and volunteers participate in. “The ceremony is truly moving,” said DiPietro. “It is just a big finale to the end of a very heartwarming weekend.”

“Before I came to camp I was feeling very sad,” said camper Deanna Harris “Being here helped me to remember to focus on the good times when I get sad. We learned teamwork, and how to help each other. This weekend also taught us to not only to deal with our losses, but to deal with people.”

Photo 1 – Preston Zochowski-Thomas, Tiffany Viner, Mark Buono, Joaquin Alvear

Hospice of Palm Beach County is proud to offer Camp SeaStar free of charge. Children and teens are welcome to attend the camp up to two times. For more information on how you can help Camp Seastar, or if you know a child who needs bereavement services, please contact the John J. Brogan Bereavement Center at (561) 227-5175.

About Hospice of Palm Beach County:
Hospice of Palm Beach County, a 501(c)(3) not-for-profit organization is dedicated to meeting every need of patients and families faced with advanced illness. The organization offers a comprehensive range of programs and services – from nationally recognized hospice care to music therapy, massage and loss-specific healing services. Full bereavement support is offered to hospice families and to anyone in the community in need.

Care is provided wherever the patient is – the home, skilled nursing or assisted living facility, hospital or hospice inpatient unit, including the C.W. Gerstenberg Hospice Center in West Palm Beach, the Jay Robert Lauer Hospice and Palliative Care Unit at JFK Medical Center, the Bethesda Memorial Hospice and Palliative Care Unit at Bethesda Memorial Hospital, and the Hospice and Palliative Care Units at Delray Medical Center, Good Samaritan Medical Center, and Palm Beach Gardens Medical Center. Hospice of Palm Beach County’s focus is on quality of life. The organization is sensitive to and respectful of religious, cultural and personal beliefs.

Licensed since 1981
Accredited by The Joint Commission. 501(c)(3) Not-for-Profit Organization Accredited as a Jewish Hospice by the Palm Beach County Board of Rabbis, Inc.
Serving all of Palm Beach County – Boca Raton to Tequesta, the Glades to the