May, 2009 – Character Counts Winner Hayleigh Hansen



 For Immediate Release


New Horizons student Hayleigh Hansen was awarded the District 2009 Character Counts in Palm Beach County Award. Hayleigh was Hayleigh is pictured here with her mom and New Horizons teacher, Deb; her brother and New Horizons student, Andrew; and her Dad Robert.   nominated by her teachers for choosing to “Do the Right Thing” even when no one is looking. She was nominated for showing Caring by putting others’ feelings before her own, giving up a center stage position in a school program to another student, always looking out for the underdog, and for raising money at a lemonade stand for needy children. Hayleigh was nominated for demonstrating Responsibility by going above and beyond in fulfilling her duties as a Safety Patrol, through Student Council initiatives to help needy families, welcoming new students as a New Horizons Ambassador, and as a member of our school’s Drum and Orf and Handbell ensembles.
Hayleigh sets high standards for herself by achieving honor roll on her report card. She shows Citizenship by working together to make our community a better place to live, work, play, and learn. We appreciate all she does.

Hayleigh is pictured here with her mom and New Horizons teacher, Deb; her brother and New Horizons student, Andrew; and her Dad Robert.