May, 2009 – Happy Mother’s Day!




Happy May and Happy Mother’s Day!Krista Martinelli


Dear Around Wellington® Readers,


Happy May! And Happy Mother’s Day! I’m excited to bring you another edition of Around Wellington Magazine online. For a lovely Mother’s Day poem, just visit our Poem of the Month page.


You’ll now find a better way of looking at recent event photos, a slideshow that you can control. Just take a look at some of the photos on our home page at or visit the Photo Galleries link at the top. We have photos from a couple of recent events, the Wellington High School Young Democrats’ Club meeting and Leadership Palm Beach County’s 25th Anniversary event. More photos coming soon! Also, we bring you just a few photos of things going on “Around Wellington” when you go to Around Wellington in Pictures. This month you’ll find a cartoon by Rollin McGrail, a photo from a Royal Palm Beach Rotary Club benefit for a great organization called P.A.N.D.A. and a couple of photos from the Binks Forest Science and Math Fair.


A Make-Over…already?  Yes, it’s true! After launching the site on April 1st, we continued to search for a more user-friendly, interactive format for the website. So it’s been another busy month of transferring the website to a new format (with a few things still in progress). However, in the future, the website will now offer MORE for you, our dear readers and be more interactive too. We bring a lot of local stories and information together in a way that you do not always find on the web (focused on the Wellington/Royal Palm Beach area), adding that personal touch that you previously may have enjoyed in the print version of the magazine. Please also check out the bottom section of the left menu for TODAY’S local Wellington headlines, thanks to the Sun-Sentinel.  THANKS so much to my husband Joe for figuring out how to update the website into this new format and the countless hours he’s spent in “web design” mode.


In this month’s online issue, we have a few great stories found under the AW Stories of the Month heading on the left menu. We hear about another side of The Goodwill, the programs offered to those suffering from head injuries. We all know about their retail stores for used goods, but very few know about their life-changing programs. Gulfstream Goodwill Industries aims to assist persons with disabilities to become self-sufficient working members of the community. As a sidenote, I believe that a Goodwill donation box saved my life as a toddler. I think I was five and my brother was three, when we were accidentally left alone by our mother in a parked car at the top of a hill in Waltham, Massachusetts. We got into the front seat and played around with the emergency brake, suddenly whizzing backward toward a busy intersection at the bottom of the hill. Instead of going right into the intersection, the car hit one of those blue Goodwill boxes (the size of a dumpster) and we were saved. A police officer came to our rescue and returned us to our mom. So here’s to Goodwill! Changing lives and saving lives!


By going to AW Stories of the Month, you will also get a little preview of just a few of the terrific events coming up soon in our area: Flavors 2009 on May 8th, a My Gym Family Wellness Fair and Fundraiser for the Children’s Coalition on May 22nd and Taste of the West coming up on June 4th. Don’t forget to check our Calendar for some wonderful events going on in May Around Wellington.


We continue bringing you an insider’s view of a local neighborhood with Neighborhood Scoop, focused on Olympia this month. THANKS to Linda Bassitt for writing about her neighborhood! Please let me know if you’re ready and willing to write about your own neighborhood too. Just call us at (561) 965-6617.


Our monthly columnists continue, as usual, with their wit and wisdom! You can click on the left “Columns” menu and find your favorite writers and topics! Just a few of the writers took a break this month, but will return next month. I took a turn with the column Mommy Moments this month, writing about my first week of being a stay-at-home mom. By the way, I made it to a Mom’s Morning Escape over at Whole Foods Market this past week. Coffee, a muffin and a brief massage, all for free. Pre-registration is recommended. I heard one mom, walking away from the massage chair and saying, “That was the best ten minutes of my life!” So here’s a hot tip for mothers…especially those with young children in need of a break, check out the “Mom’s Morning Escape” with Mimosas on Friday, May 8th. Call Whole Foods at 904-4000 for details.


It was truly a pleasure to interview Dr. Randy Laurich of The Wellness Experience in Wellington for this month’s AW Spotlight story. It’s refreshing to talk with a chiropractor who is so open-minded and willing to, literally, join forces with the medical world to bring patients the best possible care. The Wellness Experience recently welcomed a medical doctor, Dr. Kristin Kerr, to their staff. Also, Dr. Laurich (with his office in Kobosko’s Crossing) offers the very latest in chiropractic technology and has helped patients recover from chronic pain.


Don’t forget to print out our “AW Coupons,” which offer some terrific discounts on local services! In times like these, it’s important to support your local businesses!!


By the way, keep sending in your kids’ Birthday Photos! Please email them by May 15th for the June issue.


Our online Contest will continue June 1st! We will return to finding the hidden “AW Contest” inside one of the ads. THANKS to all who participated in this month’s contest!


THANKS so much to our wonderful advertisers! To our readers, thanks for sticking with us in our new online format. I was happy to see that many readers spent an hour or more reading the articles when we launched last month. THANKS so much!


Krista Martinelli, Editor

[email protected]

(561) 965-6617



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