May, 2011 – Astrology at Work in Your Life




May, 2011


By Karola Crawford


   Are we all happy that the miscommunication and confusion has stopped?  I for one, am ecstatic, however, I also realize that it was a necessary time to address issues that have arisen from the past and required another visit in order to “smooth out” that part of my life.  It is a necessary part of growth and sometimes the need to get serious about my spiritual evolution can be downright painful.


            Perhaps the most frequent question that I hear is “how is a Sun Sign different from a Natal Chart”, and often my answer is that it is not different.  The Sun Sign is a part of, but certainly not the whole, Natal chart.  The horoscope is many times shown as a wheel; it shows a map of the planets’ positions and of the earth’s position in relation to the planets at the precise moment of the native’s birth.  (The “native” is a term often used to designate the person for whom the map is drawn up).  To the uninitiated a horoscope might look very much like a hopeless jumble of meaningless symbols.  Yet, in that complex-looking chart, there are three basic components.  They are:  1. The planets, 2. The signs of the zodiac and 3. The houses.  A planet is always in a sign and always in a house.  A basic axiom of astrology is that the planet is the active force, its energy is modified by the sign it happens to be in, such as the well known Sun sign, and it focuses into the area of life according to the house in which it appears.  While simple in concept, however, there is a bit more to it than that.  Indeed, I maintain that you may study astrology for the rest of your life, and you will never learn it entirely. 


            This month the Sun Sign is mostly Taurus with Gemini in the latter part of the month.  Venus is the ruler of Taurus, consequently Taureans are a fixed earth sign, seeking harmony.  Fixed, in this case, means steadfast and earth means practicality.  So the basic nature of a Taurus is practical with predictable and reliable qualities and this is symbolized by the Bull.  This sign is patient and can persevere, though maybe a bit slow to make a decision, but once the decision is made, it is extremely difficult to make the Taurus change it.  Taurus is earthy and does not take well to being pushed around.  Since Venus rules this sign, relationships are important and Taureans are a force of attraction.


            Taurus – Happy Birthday and Happy Mother’s Day to the attractive mothers born under this sign.  Your ruler, Venus, makes you attractive to others of all ages.  You have excellent communication skills this month and a well-deserved rest is something to indulge in, though it seems that your list of things to do is endless right now.   Whether you are the homemaker, or bread-winner, you can always be counted on to come through with class, so now take time out for yourself.  The latter part of the month is great for gardening and working with your hands.


            Gemini – Socializing with the sillier folks in your circle is pure pleasure and, with Venus in your Sun  sign during the latter part of the month, any miscommunication from the past month will be easily forgiven.  It is time to resume your forward momentum..


             Cancer – You have had to master enormous decision-making for two months.  Things are looking up however, and after the beginning of the month, things should settle down to a more natural routine.  Beware of promises after the 24th of May and allow for adjustments that need to be made.


            Leo – Plans that you made back in the winter get a chance to bloom this month.  Your decision-making ability is enhanced and you are willing to take big chances, however, do not attempt a brand new plan at the end of the month.  The old and tried will work much better at that time.


            Virgo – This month is a “preparation period” for decisions that will culminate in the summer months.  Miscommunication from the past month is fading away and you are now ready to indulge in future goals.



   Libra – This month is a balancing act as the beginning is full of physical energy and starting projects, while the latter half requires your loving, quiet nature to be on constant standby.  Others will need your soothing nature to smooth out their ruffles.


   Scorpio –May brings increasing complexity in relationships or work projects. You are at your best as you engineer new projects and plan the immediate future.  Look closely though, as it may seem that you are more invested in a project than you really are.  Don’t cut off your nose to spite your face.


   Sagittarius – Great changes are in store for you this month and an important decision needs to be made soon.  Expand your business and take advantage of the incredible energy given from higher sources.  Your life is evolving.


   Capricorn – Delay negotiations until next month when you will be thinking more clearly about what you really need.  Your ability to assess and calculate will be sharpest then as right now you are very short sighted..  Delay new decisions the last week of the month.


   Aquarius – There may be a significant twist to activities and relationships this month.  Travel, moving or clarifying relations with a loved one are emphasized.  Beware of miscommunication during this time as your words can change the course of the future in an unanticipated way.  Is this really what you wanted or are you reacting to inner immature needs?


   Pisces – Make sound decisions this month with security being a priority.  Are you getting the best deal for your money?  Get good advice from a trusted friend, however, you have good instincts so don’t totally undermine your own judgment.  Don’t invest the last week of the month.


   Aries – Financial improvements for your home make sense, but double check any contracts during this time.  March and April were exciting and brought a lot of unexpected reversals, but May will bring some forward momentum, so move on.


   Happy Mother’s Day to all mothers, young and old.  Your unconditional love is of the highest and purest and many times it seems that only you and god know the ultimate truth about the energy poured from your heart.  We recognize and celebrate you for what you do so unselfishly, and hope that you have a glorious and pampered Mother’s Day.

Karola Crawford, MAFA, has been a certified Astrologer for 25 years. She has cast charts for clients all over the world and also practices Holistic medicine, Yoga, Shiatsu, Reiki, Auricular Acupucture and is an accomplished artist. Where does she get all of her energy? A grand trine in fire, of course. Karola can be reached at 561-234-6338 or by visiting the web site at