May, 2013 – NOW


Wellington’s Neighbors of Wellington Grant Incentivizes Neighborhood Watches


As part of continued efforts to improve its communities, Wellington is proud to offer the Neighbors of Wellington (Now) Grant.  Active Neighborhood Watch groups may apply for up to $250 to use for food, favors and supplies for events aimed at creating or maintaining important connections within the community which help to build safe, livable neighborhoods.


The Now Grant application and event guide can be found on our website at on the Neighborhood Services page. Residents that would like to start an Active Neighborhood Watch in their community can contact the Safe Neighborhoods Office at 561-791-4796.


For information on other Wellington programs, events, activities, and updates, please visit our website at or watch Channel 18 for the latest happenings.

David Feliciano | Digital Media Manager | Village of Wellington | 12300 Forest Hill Boulevard | Wellington , FL 33414 | 561-791-4185 | Fax: 561-791-4045 | [email protected] |