May, 2013 – Vanilla Ice Cream


Homemade Vanilla Ice Cream  


By Amber Pepellashi, Local Brownie Troop Leadervanilla-ice-cream



1 T. sugar

1/2 c. whipping cream

1/4 t. vanilla

6 T. rock salt

1 quart size Ziploc Freezer Bag

1 gallon size Ziploc Freezer Bag


Fill the quart size bag with sugar, cream, and vanilla, then seal the bag.  Double check the seal, or you may have a mess!  Fill the gallon size bag halfway with ice, then add the rock salt.  Place the quart bag inside the gallon bag and seal.  Once again, double check your seal.  Shake the bags for about 10 minutes, until you see ice cream forming in the small bag.  Make sure to shake the bag vigorously…otherwise it won’t turn out.  You may want to wear gloves…your hands get very cold. Once you see ice cream, grab a spoon and dig in!


PS Hey kids, do you have a great recipe that you like to make?  Send it to us at [email protected], subject “Yummy Treats,” along with your contact information to share your recipe with our AroundWellington audience!