May, 2014 – Is Flouride Good for your Teeth?


Is Fluoride Really Good For Your Teeth?JonLipshaw

By Jon Lipshaw

After growing up in an age where the common belief is that fluoride is good for our teeth, I decided to do a little investigating myself on this matter. It may be hard for many of you to believe, but there are extensive studies that show that fluoride doesn’t actually benefit your teeth; in fact it’s actually a detriment to our health. Fluoride actually eats away at tooth enamel. According to Dr. Gerard F. Judd (Ph.D., Chemist, Researcher for 18 years, Professor of Chemistry for 33 years) “Bacteria cannot damage the enamel (calcium hydroxy phosphate). There is no such thing as decay of the enamel since bacteria require carbon and hydrogen to live. Billions of human and animal remains show teeth and bones are resistant to earth-bound organisms.”

I ran across this interesting video, check it out – it’s short. This video clearly shows how hazardous Fluoride is.

Fluoride has several bad side effects. There was a Harvard Study done indicating that children in areas that have fluoride in their water showed much lower IQ scores. According to, “Prior to 1945, when communal water fluoridation in the U.S. took effect, fluoride was actually a known toxin. For example, a 1936 issue of the Journal of the American Dental Association stated that fluoride at the 1 ppm (part per million) concentration is as toxic as arsenic and lead.” This may be shocking but, in World War II the Nazis used fluoride in concentration camps to make prisoners become more docile. What’s interesting is that the FDA has never approved it.

There are three different kinds of fluoride commonly used: Sodium Fluoride; Sodium Silicofluoride and Fluosilicic Acid. These chemicals are all waste products from fertilizer, steel, nuclear and aluminum production. They are much different than the natural fluoride element. In 1939 Alcoa was facing lawsuits because of fluoride emissions. Even though Dow Chemical was in a similar position, in 1945, somehow they managed to get fluoride in public drinking water while making a profit.

According to the Department of Agriculture, “airborne fluorides have caused more worldwide damage to domestic animals than any other air pollutant.” So what are your opinions on this matter? Do you still want Fluoride in your water?


You can contact Jon Lipshaw at: [email protected] or 561.602.5853

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