May, 2014 – Local Karate Student Wins Bronze


Local Karate Student Wins Bronze

Miyagi Cup 4
Pictured (L. to R.) – Ben Schwartz and Sensei Keith Moore.

Miami, FL, May 10, 2014: Benjamin Schwartz, a beginner junior yellow belt student of Genbu-Kai Karate, traveled to Miami to compete in the 2014 Chojun Miyagi Cup. Competitors traveled from Bahamas, Bermuda, Ecuador, Peru, Dominican Republic, Trinidad, Turkey, Venezuela, as well as throughout Florida, and many US States.

Ben participated in both Kata (forms) and Kumite (sparring) capturing third place in sparring after facing off with five to eleven competitors in each divisions. Excellent job being this was his first competition. Ben is from the Wellington area.

Genbu-Kai Karate is conveniently located in the Wellington Market Place Mall, for more information on the classes, please call 561.804.1002 or visit our website at