May, 2015 – Dealing with the Insurance Mess


Ask the DocsRandyL3

Dealing with the Insurance Mess

By Dr. Randall Laurich


Is anyone confused about their insurance?  Well mostly everyone that walks in our office tells us they are very confused, they don’t understand why they are paying more for their premiums, they have a higher deductible, and the insurance companies seem to be paying for fewer services. Well let me tell you it can be very confusing if you don’t educate yourself.  Most people do not realize they have a deductible, and unfortunately the deductibles are much higher than over the past 10 years.  I have seen deductibles as high as $15,000, and people’s premiums are at an all-time high.  Due to these high deductibles, it has forced many physicians to opt out of insurance and begin to offer cash membership plans.  These memberships and cash pay plans allow the doctor to spend more time with the patient, giving higher quality care and sometimes even more affordability for the patient long-term.

In our office we verify insurance, and the doctors determine the care plan based on correcting the spinal problem. Sometimes the correction of a spinal misalignment can take up to 30 visits and sometimes the correction may take as little as 5 visits. Over the years, insurance companies would typically allot 24-30 visits per calendar year.  This past year most insurance companies have decided to only allow 5 visits until they determine whether or not you need more.  Granted there have always been doctors who abuse the system, but for someone on the phone to determine if a patient needs care – I think it’s crazy.  I have also seen patients needing more and more referrals from their primary doctor, which does not allow for patients to make their own choices.

At the Wellness Experience of Wellington, we offer many different affordable options for patients, allowing each member to get the quality care they deserve, without all the headaches.

If you have questions, or would be interested in one of our dinner talks about Chiropractic care, please email me at [email protected].


Dr. Randall Laurich


The Wellness Experience of Wellington, Inc.

(561) 333-5351

Helping to make Wellington Well!