Mounts Botanical Garden to Host GARDEN EXPLORERS SUMMER CAMP for Ages 7 to 11 in July


Mounts Botanical Garden of Palm Beach County

Invites Nature Curious Youngsters 7 to 11 to


Two Week-Long Sessions This July

(West Palm Beach, FL – May 11, 2022) Friends of the Mounts Botanical Garden will be hosting two week-long programs in July for nature curious youngsters ages 7 to 11. Garden Explorers Summer Camp offers science-based fun and nature experiences, Monday through Friday, 9 am to 3 pm, July 11-15 and July 25-29.

As part of the season of awe, wonder and reconnection at Mounts, each camp session will be limited to 20 participants and will offer both inside and outside activities, including:

·    Become a junior wetlands water quality specialist by learning how to catch and identify macroinvertebrates in Mounts’ beautiful Lake Orth.

·    Become a budding soil scientist by getting a close-up, dirty-hands look at the properties of mud.

·    Become a blooming horticulturist by discovering the wicked, dangerous, sticky, deceptive and downright incredible adaptations plants have developed to help them survive.

·    Become a botanist-to-be by attending a dissection lab for an inside look at the fascinating structures of seeds and flowers.

·    Become an aspiring agriculturalist by touring the edible gardens at Mounts and learn how to grow and nurture tasty fruits and vegetables.

The cost to attend each week-long session is $250 for Mounts members, $290 for nonmembers. (Note: an extra $50 per camper will cover extended care, 8 to 9 am, and 3 to 4 pm.)

For each session of the Garden Explorers Summer Camp, young participants should bring a refillable water bottle, a healthy lunch, a hat, sunscreen, and bug repellant.

For each camper, Mounts will provide materials for all activities, snacks, and water for refilling bottles.

To register for the Garden Explorers Summer Camp at Mounts this July, please visit

About Mounts Botanical Garden of Palm Beach County:

With a mission to inspire and educate through nature, Mounts Botanical Garden is Palm Beach County’s oldest and largest botanical garden. Visitors to this 16-acre tropical oasis will see an acclaimed collection of 25 unique garden areas containing more than 5,000 species of tropical and sub-tropical plants, including Florida natives, exotic and tropical fruit trees, herbs, palms, roses, cactus, bromeliads and much more. Mounts Botanical Garden is part of the Palm Beach County Cooperative Extension Department, in partnership with the University of Florida and the non-profit Friends of the Mounts Botanical Garden. This project is sponsored in part by The Board of County Commissioners, the Tourist Development Council, and the Cultural Council for Palm Beach County. Mounts Botanical is located at 531 North Military Trail in West Palm Beach. For more information, please visit

(Photo courtesy of Mounts Botanical Garden)
Garden Explorers Summer Camp