Navigating the Feast


Akai J. Jackson’s Guide to Mindful Munching, Stress-Busting Sweat, and Guilt-Free Gobbling 

True and fact the holiday season is here, and we are all excited to partake in all the festivities. The parades, the Christmas tree lighting, our families, friends, the laughter….and OMG I can’t forget the food.  I’m Akai J. Jackson, your trusted personal & professional development expert that includes strength and conditioning, and I was voted America’s Favorite Mindfulness Coach for my work in mindset shifting. I’m here to guide you through the holiday landscape of huge feasts, stress-ridden gatherings, and the delicate art of guilt-free gobbling. Buckle up, because we’re about to turn those holiday hurdles into a series of victorious sprints! 

Mindful Munching: Eating with Intention 

In the grand scheme of holiday flavors, it’s easy to lose track of your cooking compass. Fear not, my friends, I want to introduce you to the art of mindful munching. Picture this: you, in a room full of treats that you’ve been looking forward to for months, armed with the power of intention. Before you grab that third sugar cookie, take a moment to savor the sweetness of the first two. Mindful eating is not about depriving or punishing yourself “which I think we all do”; it’s about appreciation. Sip that hot chocolate slowly, savor the taste, and be the master of your own holiday banquet.  

1. Engage All of Your Senses: Before devouring everything in site because you’ve taking the week prior off eating to make space for the day of feasting, take a moment to engage your senses. Allow the smell of peppermint and the fragrance of baked cookies to wrap its warmth around you. Acknowledge the wide range of flavors that wait for you, from the turkey to the richness of chocolate desserts. By heightening your sensory experience, you set the stage for a feast of epic proportions. 

2. Slow Down and Savor: In a world that moves at the speed of light, I encourage and engage you to defy the norm. Slow down, my friends. Take a cue from the turtle and relish each bite with purpose. Put that fork down between mouthfuls, allowing your taste buds to fully appreciate the flavors on your tongue. Mindful munching isn’t a race; it’s a celebration of taste, texture, and cooking with love in the holiday spirit. 

3. Portion Control with Presence: Mindful munching isn’t about restriction; it’s about making conscious choices. Survey the buffet. Choose your portions. Load your plate with an array of colorful, nutrient-dense foods. Consciously go for a mix of proteins, veggies, and carbs. This is a helpful strategy for a well-balanced meal. 

4. The Power of Gratitude: As you savor each bite, take a moment to reflect on the journey that brought this delightful meal to your plate. Express gratitude for the hands that prepared it, the ingredients that nurtured it, and the community that shares this holiday with you. Gratitude transforms a simple meal into a sacred experience, reminding us that mindful munching extends beyond the taste buds—it nourishes the soul. 

5. Listen to Your Body: At the holiday banquet, let your body be your guide. Pay attention to hunger and fullness cues. If your stomach signals contentment, respect its wisdom. Mindful munching encourages a harmonious relationship with your body, fostering an awareness that transcends the plate. 

Stress-Busting Sweat Sessions: The Ultimate Festive Detox 

The holiday season brings joy, laughter, and the occasional family drama. To get through the occasional stress sesh, we need a solution—the stress-busting sweat session. Channel your inner warrior and unleash the power of stress release. This might look like shadowing boxing, or yoga. Fire up your smart tv or your ipad, and type in, 10 minute yoga, 10 minute chair exercises, or even 10 minute body weight exercises. You will have a ton of options, and realistically none of them are wrong. Remember, laughter is the best medicine, but a burpee or two, or a walk around the block won’t hurt either. 

Guilt-Free Gobbling: Balancing Indulgence with Intelligence 

Now, let’s address the elephant in the room—or should I say, the turkey on the table? Guilt-free gobbling is a true art, my friends, and it begins with a simple mindset shift. Embrace the fact that holidays are a time of celebration, not self-destruction or a punishment. You can enjoy that extra slice of pumpkin pie without a side dish of guilt. Just remember to balance your plate with colorful veggies, lean proteins, and a generous serving of self-love. No one ever regretted a joyful holiday feast, but the regret of not savoring the moment? That’s a recipe for disappointment. 

My friends, armed with mindful munching, stress-busting sweat sessions, and guilt-free gobbling, you can navigate this holiday season. I’m Akai J. Jackson, signing off with a festive high-five. Remember, holidays are meant to be enjoyed, so go forth, celebrate, and conquer with wisdom and mindfulness. 


The common theme of Akai Jackson’s career has always been helping people grow into the best version of themselves through fitness and mindset shifts. The longtime entrepreneur’s dynamic approach to health and wealth wellness is the byproduct of formal education, life experience as a decorated college athlete, and his own personal journey with mindfulness and growth. He founded I.X.L TODAY, a personal & professional development agency that curates transformational health and wealth programs that take their clients from existing to excelling in their physical, mental, emotional health.