New Covid-19 Testing Site in Wellington


  *NEW* Drive-Thru COVID-19 Testing Site Opens in Wellington  As part of its continued efforts to reduce the community spread of the COVID-19 virus, Wellington has partnered with SynergyDx to provide FREE drive-thru testing. Patients will not need to exit their vehicle. The testing site will open beginning Wednesday, January 19, 2022 and will operate Monday through Friday from 8:00 AM to 5:00 PM.  

Beginning on Thursday, January 20th, 2022 the test site will move to a new location in the parking area in front of Village Hall (12300 Forest Hill Blvd.) This new location allows for more testing capacity.  COVID-19 Self-Swab PCR Tests will be available – Results available in 24 – 48 hours  Drive-ups are welcome, no appointments necessary.  SynergyDx offers the most convenient Direct to Consumer sample collection. The gentle shallow nasal collection is as easy as swabbing your nose with a Q-tip.  Tests are available for symptomatic and asymptomatic patients ages 6 months and older.  Patients can expect fast, secure, and confidential results digitally. To ensure the health and safety of testing staff and community members, we ask that everyone wear a mask. As another way to stay informed on the latest news and updates from the Village, residents are invited to sign up for Wellington information and updates at
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