News from Bootz Cultural Arts Center


Bootz News

bootzThree art teachers from Bootz Cultural Art Center in Wellington have

won prestigious awards in local exhibits.

Roehl Acosta’s sculpture “Florida Wave” was named Best in Show at

the Art of Association exhibit at Lighthouse Art Center and Gallery in

Tequesta. The award was presented on June 16, 2016 at the opening

reception. Roehl is not only an accomplished sculptor but teaches

drawing and painting.

Jay Harmon was awarded Best in Show in the Palm Beach County Art

Teacher’s Association exhibit entitled “Summer in the Gardens” at

Palm Beach State College Eissey Campus in Palm Beach Gardens. Jay

teaches drawing and high school portfolio classes.

Manuel Gonzalez (Mago’z) received the Grand Prize for his turtle

painting in the Quick Draw exhibit at Hollywood Arts Park sponsored

by the Broward Art Guild. He currently has work on display at Gallery

2014 in Hollywood. Manuel teaches watercolor classes.

For further information on a variety of classes offered at the Arts

Center contact Bootz Cultural Arts Center:
