November, 2009 – Reiki Classes & More

Dear Friends,
I am just reminding everyone of the events lined up for the next two weekends; a number of you have said “maybe” for some of these workshops: if you do want to attend, please confirm when you can! If you have already made a definite registration, then there is of course no need to contact me again. Also please do not ever hesitate to contact me if you need further details on any of the workshops happening here; I have attended all the workshops led by guest presenters and so I am able to answer questions about those as well as my own workshops.
Many thanks, Pearl


Sat Nov 7          Reiki 2
Sun Nov 8         Native American Dreamcatchers
Sun Nov 8         Native American Drumming Circle with individual drum healings
Sat Nov 14        Animal Communication level 1
Sun Nov 15       Reiki 1



For information, directions and to register, email [email protected] or call Pearl at 561-333-3372. Space is limited, so please do register early. The workshops are held in Loxahatchee, west of West Palm Beach and are led by Rev. Pearl Rauberts unless otherwise stated. If there is a workshop you wish to attend but you are not free on that day, please do let Pearl know, as workshops are repeated once demand is sufficient.


Visit Pearl’s website at 


Saturday November 7   Reiki 2    9:30am to 5:30pm  $150 includes manuals


This workshop is open to all who have done Reiki First Degree whether with Pearl or another teacher (in which case you will need to provide your Reiki 1 certificate). Reiki Second Degree opens you up to a whole new and much deeper level of Reiki energy: a quantum leap forward! You will receive the Reiki 2 attunement and this will connect you to three sacred Reiki symbols. You will learn how to draw the symbols, how to apply them and how to work with these symbols when giving a Reiki treatment. You also learn the words of power which accompany them.. A particular focus of Reiki Second Degree is learning how to project distant healing. Each participant will get plenty of practical hands on experience of giving a Reiki treatment using the symbols and also of sending Reiki to someone not physically present. You will be aware immediately how using the symbols greatly enhances your Reiki energy! You will also receive a Reiki treatment. You will receive Second Degree Reiki certification enabling you to continue to Reiki 3a and eventually Master level should you wish.

Sun November 8   Native American Dreamcatcher craftshop   11:30am to 3:30pm approx   $35 Led by Grandfather Rick McBride


Have you ever wanted to make your very own dreamcatcher? Today you will learn all about dreamcatchers and learn the technique of weaving that web of protection that separates the good dreams from the bad ones. You will learn on a covered fixed steel hoop, but we will use sinew rather than monofilament line so that you will get used to using more natural materials. You will then make a second dreamcatcher on a natural vine hoop. You will decorate your dreamcatcher with beads and/or feathers provided for you. If you like, bring your own beads, stones (small and drilled), and feathers, whatever you have to decorate your dreamcatcher with. Once you learn the technique you can apply it to many different shapes and objects. Iktome (Spider) brings us creativity and she links the past, present, and future, which gives us a better perspective from which to understand and make sense out of the web of our own life. Children aged 7 or over are welcome with a parent (1 child per parent).
Dreamcatchers also make wonderful presents, something to think about with the Holidays coming up! Rick says: “The Elders always told me when I give something it should be the best I have. I try to do this. Giving something I made is giving the best I have; there’s a little bit of me in the gift. You want a connection with someone, give them something you made.”


Grandfather Rick is a mixed blood Tsalagi who has been a life-long student of American Indian Lifeways, actively participating in Native American ceremony for 25 years. He was formally taught advanced principles of the Medicine Wheel by Cheyenne Elder Hyemeyohsts Storm in 1994. He is a Sundancer and traditionally trained and authorized inipi (sweat lodge) leader with deep experience. Rick sees his place as that of “translator” of the Native American Lifeways to help anybody sincerely interested in learning how to become a better human being, his hope being to help achieve a proper balance in human race consciousnessFor further information, visit his website:

Sunday November 8     Healing Drumming Circle   Starts 4pm    Donation  Led by Grandfather Rick McBride


Bring your Native American style hand drums and rattles as we pray and sing for Global Peace and Personal Healing by drumming up the Spirits of the Land. Great personal healing occurs as the vibrations call the Spirits and wake up our hearts. Please feel free to join us even if you do not have your own drum or rattle: there will be some drums and rattles to share and learn on. If you do not wish to drum, join in to help us pray, sing and enjoy listening. Rick starts by smudging, and singing a protection song; he then calls the Four Winds, which puts us in ceremony, thereby allowing him to sing the sacred songs.

You will also have the opportunity to stand in the middle of the circle and receive a very powerful individual drum healing from Grandfather Rick. You will feel the healing energy coming from his special healing drum as he stands in front of you and drums close to you. Children are very welcome also (accompanied by a parent). This event is held indoors and is thus not dependent on weather conditions.


Saturday November 14      Animal Communication  Level 1     10am to 4pm      $85 pay by FRIDAY 6 November or $95 afterwards                          Led by Jo-ann Escott, National Animal Communicator and Healing Touch for Animals Practitioner  

An animal communicator has the ability to help you and your pet understand each other, solve behavior problems and relay messages. This workshop will cover the concept of telepathic communication with animals and how you can access this ability. Through various exercises you will get the feel of a telepathic exchange. We will focus on the foundation and basics of animal communication and how to open your heart and mind to telepathic information, in the form of words, sounds, pictures, emotions or sensations. We will be communicating with our own animals who are still presently with us on the earth plane. As time permits we will discuss various animal healing modalities and options. Animal Communication is used to further our understanding of pets and strengthen human-animal relationships. All people have the ability to communicate with animals; all one needs to have is an open mind, open heart and a true desire to help our animal companions. Please bring plenty of photos of your own pets for practice.

Jo-ann Escott is a National Animal Communicator, a Reiki Master, a Healing Touch for Animals Practitioner and an experienced workshop leader.

Registration deadline for this workshop is WEDNESDAY NOVEMBER 11th.



Sunday November 15   Reiki 1    9:30am to 5:30pm  $145 (includes 2 manuals)


Nowadays there is increasing knowledge of and interest in the healing technique of Reiki; many people become interested as they have the desire to help others but what is often not understood is that Reiki is also a wonderful way to heal ourselves. Reiki is a form of natural healing for body, mind, emotions and spirit. It means “spiritually guided (Rei) life force energy (Ki).”  We all have life force energy flowing through us and if it is low we can have health problems. Receiving Reiki is very relaxing and the energy pathways in the body receive energy, guided to go where it can be of most use. During a Reiki treatment your vibratory level is raised: Reiki addresses blocks in the energy flow, healing negative energy and allowing healthy energy to flow freely. Reiki can be received in addition to medical treatment and can be given to anyone, young or old, to children, pets, even plants.  In these difficult times, it is an excellent way to deal with stress!


In the Reiki Level 1 workshop you will learn how Reiki started, how to give a level treatment to yourself and others and you will receive the four attunements of Reiki 1, permanently linking you to the Reiki source. You will learn the hand positions for self-healing and for channeling Reiki to others. You will receive two detailed manuals providing you with a great deal of information about Reiki and how to use it. Each workshop participant will receive and give a Reiki treatment during the course of the day, helping you to build confidence. There will be time for questions so that your understanding of this powerful healing method can be deepened. You will receive Reiki 1 certification, which will allow you to continue your Reiki studies should you wish. To ensure everybody gets individual attention, only 6 people are accepted. No previous knowledge is needed. Pearl teaches the Usui approach to Reiki.

Pearl Rauberts