November, 2009 – Astrology at Work






By Karola CrawfordKarola Crawford


   With this month we are celebrating the Birthdays of all those travelling Sagittarians that are off somewhere to rescue an animal or spread the word about something new that they have learned.  Sagittarians are always attempting to liberate themselves from their lower nature, so consequently the Archer and the Centaur.  The Ruler is Jupiter, our largest planet, and the Ninth House is the house dedicated to this masculine, positive, fire sign.  Fire signs are enthusiastic and inspirational, as well as flexible, adaptable and optimistic.  They are dependable, friendly, honest and versatile, and have a gift at making and keeping friends.  If taken too far to the lower extreme, they can be tactless, irresponsible, quarrelsome and boastful.  Sagittarians always have a desire to travel, even if just to the grocery store and are continually on the move.  Sitting for long periods is detrimental to their health.

   Each sign has its own way of passing on information and of reaching people.  Sagittarius people are good at work where foresight and a willingness to take a chance is important.  They are the psychiatrists, lawyers, veterinarians, ministers, interpreters, explorers, professional sports people and travel occupants.  When a quiet approach to getting a message home does not work, get a Sagittarius to do the work for you.  Their outgoing and optimistic way of delivering the message will be heard by many that ignored the more laid-back way of communication.  Their key phrase is “I see”, and the key word is “freedom”.  They are the eternal philosopher, and the arrow indicates the outspokenness, which can sometimes be considered blunt and to the point.  They will not always sugar coat or color what they say, but hit the arrow into its mark so that there is no mistaking what exactly is being said. “The facts, please, only the facts”.  Of course, they have wonderful stories that go along with their facts that will support, with evidence, any research or knowledge that they are sharing.  Sagittarians are not about getting even; rather, it is their zeal for the truth that makes them blurt out just what they are thinking.

   They are interested in many kinds of sports, and running or long walks is extremely good for them as it gives them the feeling of freedom that they crave.  Sagittarians always search for the meaning of life, and wherever Sagittarius is in your chart is where you delve into life with questions of “Why?”, “Where does it come from?”, and “How does it work? “ If you want to see a busy person, look for a Sagittarius, who is almost always overextending themselves with too many activities and much energy being expended.  It is important for them to take adaptogenic herbs such as Siberian Ginseng and Astragalus in order to have enough stamina and health to burn the candle at both ends.  This goes for all signs because we all have Sagittarius somewhere in our charts.  Both of these herbs let you stay healthy by helping you adapt to more emotional, physical, and psychological demands.  Take them daily for a healthy body through this cold season!  It is also important for Sagittarius to take time out to meditate and practice yoga, qui gong, or another meditative discipline in order to take time out.

   This November is a good time to make some past activities permanent.  Foundations are being built now that will affect many people in years to come.  Your income will benefit from this in a good way.  A relationship started during this time has permanence.


Capricorn – You are undergoing some incredible changes from the inside out.  Just when you thought that everything that could come up has, there is more that you will be encountering and churning through.  Trust in the higher power that all will end well.


Aquarius – You have taken a serious turn towards the spiritual and this is right where you need to be.  Relax and take walks by the ocean, and any water source, as often as you can.


Pisces – Sudden changes, yes it is getting old, are still happening.  Your life is upside down and new seeds are growing all around you.  Don’t forget that as the doors are closing on the old, new ones are opening all over.  Open your eyes and see the signs.


Aries – Trying to find balance between relationships and giving time to yourself is still a theme for you.  It is important that you strive for a combination of both; time for yourself, and time for the family and for friends.  Do not exclude either at this time.


Taurus – It is up to you to communicate right now and make your needs known to others as they cannot read your mind.  Be bold and speak the truth from your heart and it will be accepted in a positive way.


Gemini – Your words are like magic these days, so use them wisely to get what you want and need.  Since you salesperson qualities are being amplified by the planets, take advantage of this and build your castle on stone.


Cancer – Forces beyond your control are breaking through your tough outer skin to get to that inner being where they can either hurt you or transform you.  Accept that this is for the best and allow the change to occur deep within yourself.  Apologize for years of indifference if you need to.


Leo – You are full of energy and can achieve any physical endeavor that you set out to do.  Use the rest of this month to carry out tasks that you couldn’t get to.  You are strong right now.


Virgo – Things seem to be stuck and you need to look at why.  Look inside yourself for the answer and change the way that you are doing things.  Deceiving yourself into blaming others will not fare you well at this time.


Libra – Your desire to make a strong new start is being rewarded at this time.  The world sees it your way, so make it happen.  Your ability to please others goes only so far, you then can pull out the other card and take care of number one.  Use the Aries part of your nature to dig in and make some personal changes that are far reaching.


Scorpio – The Universe is cooperative at this time, so communicate your deepest feelings in order to free yourself from those long standing burdens that you are holding onto.  What will it feel like to be light as a feather?  Find out!

Karola Crawford, MAFA, has been a certified Astrologer for 22 years. She has cast charts for clients all over the world and also practices Holistic medicine, Yoga, Shiatsu, Reiki, Auricular Acupucture and is an accomplished artist. Where does she get all of her energy? A grand trine in fire, of course. Karola can be reached at 561-615-1591 or by visiting the web site at