November, 2009 – Wellington Garden Club Monthly Meeting


Who:  The Wellington Garden Club
What:  Monthly meeting
Where:  Wellington Community Center
12165 W. Forest Hill Blvd., Wellington
When:  Monday, Nov. 2 at 11:30 am– Luncheon & Business Meeting, 1 pm-Program

Why:  Program info  (see below)

The Wellington Garden Club is holding its monthly meeting on November 2, 2009 (Monday) at the Wellington Community Center at 11:30 AM


John Klingel “The Frugal Florist”
John will present some fun and simple ideas on how you can progress from Thanksgiving to New Years using the same basic design structure and mechanics in a floral design.  John will offer suggestions on the best finds in thrift shops, yard sales and consignment boutiques for those one-of-a-kind containers. He will demonstrate how to create a floral arrangement that will transition through the holidays.

An artist, floral designer, former retail shop owner, author of “The Frugal Florist-Do-it-Yourself Flowers on a Budget” and currently Director of the South Florida Center for Floral Studies* in West Palm Beach, John has worked in many aspects of the floral industry. He has worked with photographers and completed designs for the FTD counter selection guide. Mr. Klingel has also participated in regularly televised interviews about flowers on the NBC and PBS affiliates in WPB. He earned his degree in Commercial Art, was inducted into the American Institute of Floral Designers AFID) in 1980 and is a member of The American Academy of  Horticulture (AAF) and Professional Floral Communications International (PFCI). He’s received numerous awards; the Sylvia Cup, Florida State Designer of the Year amongst others.  John, a floral designer for notables such as Vera Wang, Chris Evert and Janet Jackson will now bring his vast talent to the WGC showing us how we can frugally create designs that can extend our holiday dollars!

The public is invited. A light lunch is served. Seating is limited. Please
RSVP to 561-793-6013 or 561-798-9217.

Barbara Hadsell, President

[email protected]