To: Around Wellington
From: Wellington Women’s Club
Contact: Allyson Samiljan, 561-798-6741
For Immediate Release
The Wellington Women’s Club invites you to attend its dinner meeting on Thursday, November 5, 6:30 p.m., at Binks Forest Golf Club, 400 Binks Forest Drive, Wellington. We are happy to welcome back our guest speaker, Anne Rodgers, LifeStages Editor and Charm columnist for The Palm Beach Post.
Anne has sped by most of the signposts on the road to middle age. She’s had

the marriage, the stepkids, the divorce, the new start in a new town, the fear of starting over. She adores her aging, widowed mother and sometimes worries it’s not as safe for her to drive now that she’s 82. She spoils her three nieces whenever their moms (her sisters) are looking the other way. She loved college and secretly longs to audit courses in just about anything. She wears her hair long, ignoring all advice to the contrary. She loves meteor showers, big dogs, Florida’s sunny weather, snail-mail letters, a good vocabulary, trampolines, late-night reading and convertibles with the top down.
Join us for what promises to be a very enjoyable evening. Guests are welcome for a fee of $30 which includes dinner and the program. For reservations or more information, please contact Allyson, 798-6741.