November, 2010 – Arthritis Foundation’s 2010 Walk on Nov. 13th


Nov. 13, 2010  –

The Arthritis Foundation’s 2010 Arthritis Walk
John Prince Park, Lake Worth
Honorary Event Co-Chairs, MaryJo McPhail, MBA PT of JFK Medical Center, and Kelly Hafferly, of JFK Medical Center;
Honorary Chairs, Dr. Michael Schweitz, rheumatologist, and Dr. Greg Martin, orthopedic surgeon
8AM Registration; 9AM Walk Begins
Bring your dogs (because pets get arthritis, too!) and join the Arthritis Foundation in their annual “Walk for Those Who Can’t & ‘ARRF-ritis Walk” on Saturday, November 13, 2010 at John Prince Park in Lake Worth.
For more information, visit our web site at or contact Susie Rhodes, (561) 833-1133; [email protected]