November, 2010 – Judgement Day


Lisa Dawn WaxLighten Up with Lisa


Judgment Day – It may come sooner than you think.


By Lisa Dawn Wax


If you judge people, you have no time to love them.  – Mother Teresa


Mother Teresa’s words are so simple and yet so profound. Merriam-Webster’s online dictionary defines the verb “to judge” as to form an opinion about through careful weighing of evidence.  Ironically, however, I believe that most people judge others without careful consideration of evidence.  Most people are hasty in their impressions of others and judge them without evidence to actually support the judgment being made.  Another definition states that to judge is to decide upon critically. This further worsens the judgment by not only jumping to a conclusion, but also jumping to a negative conclusion. I’m sure all of us are guilty of passing judgment at one time or another. It seems to be human nature to judge what is different or what we don’t understand. These irrational judgments are based solely in fear. All of us want to feel safe and loved and occasionally when we come across someone else who may appear to threaten those very necessary, basic emotions, we immediately judge them and label them so that we can safely put them in a place that no longer poses a threat. But, just as Mother Teresa proclaims, I’m here to say that it is far better to come from a place of love than a place of fear. Shifting our focus from fear to love is the key to practicing a life without judgment.



Judge not lest ye be judged. – Jesus Christ


How do you feel when you know someone has passed an unfair judgment upon you? Perhaps there was a time when you were having a bad day and inadvertently were rude to someone. Their immediate response, most likely, was to think you were a mean person. Most people don’t think to ask, “Is everything OK with you today?”  They just know that they felt hurt when treated badly and they respond in kind. It is a fear-based reaction to a fear-based stimulus. What came first the chicken or the egg? I think that most of us judge others in retaliation of feelings, new and old, of being judged.  However, while this may explain the behavior, it certainly does not excuse it. If you do judge someone unfairly and you realize it, don’t hesitate to apologize for it. In doing so you benefit yourself as well as the other person and may very possibly create a chain reaction for more healing.


          If you want to make the world a better place, take a look at yourself and make a change.

                                                                   Michael Jackson –“Man in the Mirror”


So if passing judgment seems to come naturally to most of us as an unconscious, fear-based, behavior, how do we start to change that to a conscious behavior of love and eradicate, or at least minimize making judgments?  The first step is to acknowledge change is desired and necessary. The next step is to start from within, as the first person to stop judging is you. On a spiritual level we have our True Self and our Ego Self.  Our True Self is in constant alignment with Divine Spirit – God, and Love.  Our Ego Self is governed by judgment, guilt, and fear of the material world. Honor and love your True Self, whomever he/she may be, and do not fear judgment from others by doing so. Let go and release all self-judgment. Be true to your own happiness.  When you take responsibility for your own happiness, you take back your power for your own happiness. Recently I have started to work more and more with the Archangels, or Chief Messengers of God. Archangel Zadkiel, whose name means “righteousness of God” and is considered the angel of mercy because of his role in stopping Abraham from sacrificing his son, Isaac, as an offering to God, can help you to let go of judgment by seeing the Divine light within your True Self and others, instead of focusing on the Ego Self.  All that you have to do is ask him and allow him to help you. It’s really that simple.


          At judgment day a man will have to account for all the good things he might have enjoyed but didn’t. –  Jewish proverb.


Don’t wait for the proverbial judgment day before you give yourself a life review.  At regular intervals, from time to time, whenever it feels right, look at your life. Not to judge it, but to learn from it. A life review allows you to recognize and account for specific behaviors, actions, spoken words that you may wish you had done differently, so that if a similar situation presents itself again you have a second chance to make positive adjustments and do it another way. The aforementioned Jewish proverb is one of my favorites because it reminds us that to experience joy is one of our essential missions here on earth. It is written throughout the Talmud, the Jewish book of laws, that it is our duty to be joyful. We must pray with joy, we must express joy; we must live a life of joy. If we are centered in love and focused on joy, there is little room left for fear and judgment. So where as Mother Teresa said, “If you judge people you have no time to love them.”  I say, “If you love people, you have no time to judge them.” 


Until next time, may your days be brighter and your lives be lighter.

Lightworker Lisa


Let me ignite the light in your life!

If you would like to submit a question for publication, you can email me directly at [email protected]. 

A Lightworker is someone with an innate ability to know and heal.  Lightworkers believe it is their divine mission or higher purpose to write, teach or counsel others about spiritual teachings.  Lightworkers are souls who volunteered, before birth, to help people learn about love and heal from the effects of fear. Lisa Dawn Wax, aka Lightworker Lisa is a born Lightworker, certified Angel Healing Practitioner and Reiki Master Practitioner; all of which basically confirm her intuitive abilities to help, heal and teach. Using reiki (energy healing), guided meditations, divine messages and intuitive readings, she has helped many people to identify the source of their pain, clarify current life situations, and successfully redirect their focus into positive channels.  If you are in need of affordable healing and life coaching with immediate results, call her at 561-594-3948 or visit her website