November, 2011 – Salute to Veterans Luncheon in Palm Beach County


The American Health Association & U.S. Marine Corps League Adds Singer Lou Galterio to SALUTE TO VETERANS LUNCHEON

November 11 in Boynton Beach


The American Health Society and The United States Marine Corps League, co-sponsors of the annual SALUTE TO VETERANS Luncheon in Palm Beach County, today announced that singer Lou Galterio will perform several patriotic songs at the event, which will be held at noon on Veteran’s Day (November 11) at Benvenuto Restaurant, 1730 North Federal Highway in Boynton Beach.


This patriotic event also will include remarks by U.S. Rep. Ted Deutch, plus a special reading by award-winning soldier-poet Brian Turner, who’s appearance is courtesy of the Palm Beach Poetry Festival.


The cost to attend this year’s SALUTE TO VETERANS Luncheon is $40 per person.  RSVP to 561.361.9091


“As a veteran of the Korean War, I stand proud with my fellow vets of World War II, Korea, Viet Nam as we salute our brothers and sisters fighting in Iraq and Afghanistan. This Luncheon is a tribute to all branches of service as we pay tribute to all fighting forces from Palm Beach County,” said Dr. J.R. Gordon, founder of The American Health Society and chairman of the Palm Beach Veterans Day Luncheon.


About Lou Galterio:

Italian singer Lou Galterio, is known for his amazing rendition of the Star Spangled Banner, which he has performed for several Governors of Florida, Speaker of the House John Boehner, former First Lady Laura Bush, presidential candidate Mitt Romney and also on Opening Day of a Joint Session of Congress. His powerful operatic voice brought him opportunities to sing for the NBA, the NFL, the NHL and Major League Baseball. Mr. Galterio’s musical style ranges from Frank Sinatra to Andrea Bocelli and has toured with the Florida Sunshine Pops Orchestra.


About The American Health Association:

American Health Association (AHA)  is an award winning preventive health and social wellness association.  It is a new concept in social responsible aging  as well as defensive and regenerative medicine. AHA sponsors a wide array of programs in preventative and holistic health and mental healthcare, healthcare education, literacy and advocacy.  All are aimed at preventing lifestyle-based illness, diseases and the frailties of aging.  A special emphasis is with “at risk children/adults and senior populations.” For more information, please visit


About The U.S. Marine Corps League:

Members of the Marine Corps League join together in camaraderie and fellowship for the purpose of preserving the traditions and promoting the interests of the United States Marine Corps, banding together those who are now serving in the United States Marine Corps and those who have been honorably discharged from that service that they may effectively promote the ideals of American freedom and democracy, voluntarily aiding and rendering assistance to all Marines, FMF Corpsmen and former Marines and FMF Corpsmen and to their widows and orphans; and to perpetuate the history of the United States Marine Corps and by fitting acts to observe the anniversaries of historical occasions of particular interest to Marines.



Dr. J.R. Gordon

American Health Association


[email protected]


Gary Schweikhart

PR-BS, Inc.


[email protected]