November, 2012 – Friday Nights of Arts in Lake Worth


 Friday Nights of Arts in Lake Worth

Clay Glass Metal Stone Cooperative Gallery presents

Out of the Box

Opening Friday December 7, 6 PM to 10 PM

The Artists’ Gift Box

Opening, Friday December 21, 6-10 PM



 Clay Glass Metal Stone Gallery, a cooperative of thirty postcard_2local artists, is suggesting you buy your holiday gifts this year from local artists and craftspeople. Lake Worth is the town where artists create Museum Quality works that are sold in expensive galleries throughout the region and the country.  Shopping Lake Worth for one-of-a-kind gifts at affordable, direct from the artist, prices is a great way to satisfy your gift list and boost local economies.


Out of the Box allows the thirty artists of Clay Glass Metal purple_gallenuleStone Gallery to unveil new creations in time for the New Year.  On Friday, December 7, Lake Worth will fill with concierges from hotels and inns all over Palm Beach County.  The town will be rife with light and music. Artists will be featured throughout. Bistros will be serving specialty drinks for the occasion and the gallery will be serving holiday quaffs and delectable tidbits.  This is a chance for patrons of the arts and the crafts to purchase unique gifts not to be seen any where else in the region.  Events start at 6PM and last until the last customer falls asleep.


The Artists’ Gift Box  will take place on Friday, December 21 from 6-9 PM.  Artists may jump out of boxes or spring full blown from ceramic clamshells. Watch as unique gifts are made for you by glass spinners or wood turners. Artists will be on hand to wrap your purchases in ways only an artist can.  Glass fish, seashell trees, carved birds, woven baskets and your usual assortment of large mugs, bowls and sculptures of every position, adorn pedestals throughout the gallery.  End of the year nogs and bites will warm your cockles and tickle your taste buds.


All is in good fun as the town of Lake Worth takes its rightful place as the gathering spot for some of the best art, dance, theater, music and food in the region.


A wine tasting, courtesy of artist and wine broker Barbara Eden takes place at every opening.

Clay§Glass§Metal§Stone Cooperative Gallery is sponsored byship2 the Flamingo Clay Studio, a non-profit arts organization whose mission is to provide affordable studio and gallery space for three-dimensional artists.  The gallery is located at 605 Lake Avenue in downtown Lake Worth. Hours are Wednesday-Sunday, 1PM-9PM.  Gallery openings are the first and third Friday of each month from 6-9 PM.  For information call 561-588-8344 or visit blog