WELLINGTON, FL, NOVEMBER 23, 2013: Genbu-Kai Karate recently tested

and graduated four out of seven women, who participated in the Genbu-

Kai eight week self defense course offered at Royal Palm Beach High

School, via their Adult Education Program. The women had been taught

fundamental releases from such attacks as wrist grabs, bear hugs

and chokes. The testing, held at the main school in Wellington,

was conducted with the lights off, and in a dark and unfriendly

atmosphere, in order to try and assimilate a real life attack. Prior

to the testing/graduation proceedings, Bedwell invited a female friend

of his, who had been attacked years ago in her own home, to come and

speak with the potential graduates and members of the ongoing classes

explaining her experiences and healing process since her attacks.

The program was taught at Royal Palm Beach high school by Brent

Bedwell, a senior instructor at Genbu-Kai Karate. Sensei Keith Moore,

Chief Instructor at Genbu-Kai Karate, commented that during the final

testing, the women did exceptionally well, and Bedwell escaped with

only a few minor bruises and scrapes. The main focus for the testing/

graduation ceremony was to make the attacks as real as possible, while

keeping student safety paramount.

November 3rd, Genbu-Kai Karate started a three part women’s self

defense course. Phase I, currently in process, emphasizes simple

karate type defense maneuvers against a multitude of attacks using

elbows, knees, palm heels, etc….. Phase II will encompass escaping

attacks with grappling and Judo techniques. Phase III will introduce

women how to use house hold items as weapons, such as a broom/mop

stick, kitchen utensils, walker and other easily accessible items

within the home.

Moore and Bedwell both agree that but was overall impressed with the

women’s performance. All women are from the Boynton Beach, Wellington,

Loxahatchee and Western Palm Beach communities.

Pictured (L. to R.): Susan Puig, Instructor Brent Bedwell, Effie

Scotti, Barbara Flynn, and Jessica Gallon. Not pictured are Marina

Feldman, Edlange Philsha, and Margaret Romano. Genbu-Kai Karate is

conveniently located in the Wellington Market Place Mall. For more

information on the classes, please call 561.804.1002 or visit our

website at