November, 2015 – I Just Don’t Like The Way I’m Feeling


Ask the DocsRandyL2

I Just Don’t Like The Way I’m Feeling

By Dr. Randy Laurich

The other day I was talking with some friends and we were discussing injuries, aches, pains and getting older.  Some of our old injuries have been creeping up on us and cause weakness or limitations.   One of my friends said  “I don’t like it, I don’t like it at all.” So, what can we do about these aches, pains, and old injuries?

Most of the weakness comes from an imbalance in the body, whether it’s spinal alignment or loose ligaments or tight muscles.  These limitations could be caused from old fractures, sprains, strains or other injuries.  So what can be done about these weaknesses?

First, you must be evaluated to see how  these weaknesses are throwing your body off.  I evaluate many different  athletes from many different sports and have found that balancing the spine helps to balance the entire system, starting with the nervous system.

But just balancing the spine doesn’t always help with limitations, weakness or injury.  We must look at our weaknesses and strengthen the body around them. The body will adapt and overcome if we find the right team to help.  So if you have a trainer, or physical therapist, or chiropractor, make sure they are evaluating you based on your limitations, weaknesses or injuries, so that they can provide you with the best care possible.

Let me evaluate your spine today. I want to be your family chiropractor.

Call today, change your life today.


Dr. Randall Laurich


The Wellness Experience of Wellington, Inc.

(561) 333-5351

Helping to make Wellington Well!