October, 2009 – Collecting Your Feedback


Buzz on BusinessPeter Wein

Collecting Your Feedback: The Best & Worst of Local Businesses

By Peter Wein


I am not sure how you feel, but this seemed to be one of the hottest summers in a long time. I feel like I have been sweating non-stop for months. The best part about it is that those wonderful autumn and winter months are just around the corner. Talking with business owners, it seems as if the overall consensus is that September is the hump to get through. It seems as if back-to-school and the vacationers coming back to the reality of everyday life puts a clamp on customer’s purse strings. Although between the time of year and the so called downturn in the economy, we still do not have the luxury of stopping purchases when it comes to our everyday needs. In case you haven’t heard, there is a movement in the country (even the world) of going green and buying locally. My request for you is to try this, not only with your local farmers but with your merchants that provide the merchandise and services that each of us needs on a regular basis. Don’t get me wrong, I am not advocating the banning of traveling to another community for purchasing of gifts, food, entertainment, services and other purchases, but I am asking you to check out the availability of these things in your community. By supporting your local merchant, it gives them the incentive to get involved in community activities. Putting back your money into the area that you reside in. The charities. The community events among other activities that we produce for the betterment of our town. (Editor’s note: For the entire month of October, you can buy Brighton bracelets and badge holders, also known as lanyards, and for each purchase, and $10 goes back to Your Bosom Buddies II, Inc., a breast cancer support group, right here in Wellington.)

On the other side of the coin, all you business owners, it is your responsibility to make sure that you give back to the communities that support you and shop with you. It is these communities that help you keep your doors open. Running specials to get shoppers to walk through your door is great. Although it may be a way to get shoppers during off times, ultimately it is just a way for you to profit. With the beginning of “Snowbirds” migration and the “Beginning of Season,” there will be a plethera of events popping up in the coming months. The charities step it up. The Municipalities start stepping it up. Also the residents will start looking where to spend their dollars for holiday gifts. That’s right, Halloween, Thanksgiving, Christmas, Chanukah, and Kwanza are just around the corner. Even those with tight and near empty pockets will be spending, probably more than they should. My campaign will be to urge people to shop with the store owners that believe in Give N Take. I will definitely be writing about those who care and take the steps needed to help this community. Additionally, those who let greed control their practices will also be announced publically.

My request to you, the reader and local resident, is to email me and let me know those you praise and also those that only want to take from us. Email me at [email protected] or contact me through this publication, subject “Buzz.” Believe it or not, we can make a difference. We can “lightly” pressure those merchants that want our almighty dollar into working with us to continue to make this a desirable locale to live and play.

Hoping to hear from you and certainly hope that I will see you “Around Wellington.”

Peter Wein, a business professional who is very active in the Western Communities, is also the managing member of the B Network. To contact Peter, email: [email protected] or call him at (561) 827-4223. Tune into Peter’s Livingroom radio show on W4CY radio, www.w4cy.com or visit his network at www.mybnetwork.com.