October, 2009 – Rally for Healthcare & the Public Option


We’re Counting on You” Rally with MoveOn.Org

Sen. Bill Nelson’s Office Okechobee and Austrailian Ave, WPB, 500 Australian Avenue suite 125 (Map)
West Palm Beach, FL 33401
Wednesday, October 14th, 12:00 PM

A few weeks ago, conservatives declared the public option dead.

They were wrong.

The public option has serious momentum in Congress—and with huge votes imminent, it all comes down to the next few weeks.1

Every single senator who supports the public option, including Senator Nelson, will have to stand up and fight like hell throughout these weeks—and we need to show Sen. Nelson we’ll be right there, ready to fight with him.

So on Wednesday, we’re holding a “We’re Counting On You!” rally in West Palm Beach. Can you come to the rally? 

Here’s the link to RSVP:


Seeing a big crowd of voters out in full support of a strong public option is just what Sen. Nelson needs heading into these final, intense weeks of the health care fight.

Rallies like these are a lot of fun—a great way to connect with other progressives in the community. And they’re powerful: at the rally, you’ll hear from speakers personally impacted by our broken health care system—from people denied care by unaccountable insurance companies to small business owners forced to decide between laying off workers or cutting health benefits.

The public option is gaining steam. Just yesterday, 30 U.S. Senators sent a letter to Majority Leader Harry Reid urging him to include a public option in the Senate bill.2 On the House side, a strong bloc of progressives in the House say they will only support a bill with a public option.3

But we haven’t won yet—and Big Insurance and other opponents of real reform are spending millions to scuttle the number one priority of progressive Democrats and President Obama.

Right now, it’s time to pull out all the stops and show our support like never before. We need to come out in full force on Wednesday to show we’re ready to fight together.


Thanks for all you do.

–Kat, Eli, Carrie, Justin, and the rest of the team,


PAID FOR BY MOVEON.ORG POLITICAL ACTION, http://pol.moveon.org/. Not authorized by any candidate or candidate’s committee.


1. “30 Senators Sign Letter Supporting Public Option,” Talking Points Memo, October 8, 2009

“Grijalva: We Won’t Blink First,” The Huffington Post, October 8, 2009

2. “30 Senators Sign Letter Supporting Public Option,” Talking Points Memo, October 8, 2009

3. “60 Members of Congress Say ‘No Public Plan, No Conference,'” Firedoglake, August 17, 2009