October, 2009 – Wellington Art Society meeting!


CONTACT:   Adrianne Hetherington, President: 561-784-7561  [email protected]
                    Mag and David Frye, Publicity: 561-792-6185  [email protected]


Wellington Art Society meeting features “hot” topic  
Local artist Helen Hajjar to demonstrate wax technique at October 13 meeting

Wellington, FL, October 1, 2009 – Local artist Helen Hajjar will have the audience melting at the next Wellington Art Society meeting October 13, where she will be demonstrating the art of encaustic wax painting.

Encaustic means “burning in” and this Old World art form, dating back to 2000 BC, was used by the Romans, Greeks and Egyptians, who melted bees wax over charcoal fires and added plant resins for color to create works of art.

Hajjar has adapted this technique to develop a unique way of painting using colored wax as paint and a small electric travel iron. Paintings created with this technique last much longer than oils and do not need to be under glass to be preserved. The technique produces colors that are more vivid, resulting in dramatic results. The native of Brooklyn, NY has won numerous awards for her outstanding work at different exhibitions and competitions in Florida and Connecticut, and has also written an instructional book on “Painting With Wax.”

The W.A.S. meeting will be held Tuesday, October 13, 2009, at the Royal Palm Beach Cultural Center, 151 Civic Center Way, near the southwest corner of Okeechobee Blvd. and Royal Palm Beach Blvd. Light refreshments will be served at 6:30pm, followed by a brief business meeting at 7, with the demo starting about 7:15. While the meeting is free and open to the public, there is a $5.00 fee for the demo for non-Society members.

Founded in 1981, The Wellington Art Society is open to artists of all mediums and patrons of the arts, providing both local and regional artists the platform to share their work, learn more about their craft and serve the community through their art.

A 501(c)(3) charitable organization, its mission is to educate and encourage originality and productivity among its members and area youth through programs designed to further the advancement of cultural endeavors in the western communities.

For more information, visit their website, www.wellingtonartsociety.org, or call W.A.S. President Adrianne Hetherington at 561-784-7561.