October, 2010 – AW in Pictures


Just a few highlights of happenings Around Wellington. For many more photos, visit the link “Photo Galleries” on this site! For recent videos, click on our “Videos” link.

(Clockwise from top right) - Sanda Gane of Sanda Gane European Day Spa at the Wellington Women's Club Open House. Holly and Deborah Morgan of Palm Beach Harvest and a friend at their fundraiser car wash. Ronald McDonald performs a magic show at the Lantana Public Library. Peace poster award winner Tamara Frazier at the Wellington Peace Ceremony.
(Clockwise from top right) - Sanda Gane of Sanda Gane European Day Spa at the Wellington Women's Club Open House. Holly and Deborah Morgan of Palm Beach Harvest and a friend at their fundraiser car wash. Ronald McDonald performs a magic show at the Lantana Public Library. Peace poster award winner Tamara Frazier at the Wellington Peace Ceremony.