October, 2010 – Pine Jog Health & Safety Fair


To whom it may concern:


The Pine Jog Elementary School PTA is hosting a Health & Safety Fair for our students, parents and community members. We want to provide our families with information on healthy living, healthy foods, exercise programs, safety programs and events in and around our community.  Our event is on Thursday evening, Oct. 21, 2010 from 6:00 PM until 8:00PM.  We would like to extend an invitation to your business and/or organization.  We would love for you to be represented.  The Expo will take place at the Pine Jog Elementary School cafeteria.  We will provide space and tables for your representatives to meet with our families.  We have invited over 800 families from our school to attend this event. 

If you are interested in attending our event please contact Debbie Coolidge at 656-5445, or by email at [email protected]


Thank you,



Debbie Coolidge                             Meric Tunca (561)573-5533

PTA President                                BanzaiWellness Magazine