October, 2010 – The List for Perfectionists


Ultimate ProductivityClaudine Motto


The list every perfectionist needs to make


By Claudine Motto

If you’re a perfectionist, the only time you probably laugh at being one is when you’re talking to another perfectionist, because they just “get it.”  But you know perfectionism isn’t really all that funny – it can paralyze you and keep you from getting things done, from taking action, from sticking your neck out and taking a risk perfectionism keeps you safe, but keeps you from growing. 


And when you’re a home-based business owner, if you’re not growing on some level, you’re falling behind you need to write that article, to call that sales lead, to give that presentation, to raise your prices.  But when your perfectionism kicks in, the amount of time and analyzing and thinking you pour into doing these things doubles, and can be exhausting – and more often than not, that extra level of polish, of detail, of perfect just goes unnoticed and isn’t worth the effort.


I know, because I’ve been there, and so have many of my clients.


What you want to do is make a list of all the times you didn’t let perfectionism get the best of you – think back to that time you put out that article without being 100% satisfied with every detail of it; the time you gave that presentation with a simple handout; the time you quoted your higher prices or called that sales lead even though you didn’t feel fully prepared; the time you didn’t rewrite that e-mail to your client 50 times looking for just the perfect wording; the time you put up that page on your website announcing your new product even though you wanted to keep tweaking it.

Then name the list something that speaks to you, something that reminds you that this list is about appreciating the imperfect.  And then step back, read it, and relish all the time and exhaustion you saved yourself every time you did each of those things less than perfectly. And how you got through it, and how you’re still here.  And how you learned a lot more from taking action than overpolishing and overpreparing and overthinking.


So if you’ve never made one of these lists, go ahead and make one – and put it away somewhere safe so you can take it out the next time you’re overdoing anything – and go do it imperfectly instead.


2010 Claudine Motto, All Rights Reserved. 

Productivity Coach and Professional Organizer Claudine Motto helps home office geniuses, entrepreneurs, and independent professionals get organized and in control of their workload so they can reach their goals with less struggle and less stress. She offers one-on-one coaching and group training programs – please visit http://www.vistalnorte.com or call 561-641-9500 for more information, to sign up for her monthly newsletter, or to schedule a complimentary 20-minute consultation.