October, 2011 – Astrology at Work


October, 2011




By Karola Crawfordkarola-crawford


October is the birthday of Libra, and later in the month, Scorpio.  These two signs are very different, both in their approach to life and in the very way that they think.  Libra is ruled by Venus, and in its very nature, is a good minded spirit that loves to socialize.  Libra appreciates the finer things in life, enjoying beauty that emanates as art and also as nature.  The interactions that Libra enjoys with others keeps this sign in a forward momentum, interacting with social groups and enjoying partnerships to the fullest, especially when a social gathering or party is upcoming.  Libras themselves have attributes of beauty that are usually very striking and radiate a desire to please.   There is an innate ability to understand the feelings of others and they enjoy companionship, seek relationships and a close personal bond with harmony being at the center of the quest.


Their pleasing manner puts others at ease and this is a good attribute for business. Libras aesthetic perceptions are highly developed and many times music is a deep form of appreciation through which they are able to interact with their inner world.    Their sense of justice and fair play in romance and social relationships is quite strong and they dislike coarseness and uncouth behavior, as they have  high standards for social conduct and manners.  They are an air sign and seek intellectual stimulation from their close personal relationships, so sensuality by itself will not suffice.


Scorpio is later in the month of September and goes into October.  This sign is very deep, intense and emotional.  Scorpios can take their romance intensely personal and serious and may need a light touch and sense of humor to dispel some of the high standards that they place on their partners.  They expect much from their loved ones, and may feel that their trust has been betrayed if they don’t receive the same intensity in return.  This can lead to an all-or-nothing approach to love and romance as these individuals may feel that their trust has been betrayed and consequently cold indifference may show up instead.


The personality is usually colorful and they can have depths that are beyond the average person’s comprehension, with inner mysteries being a motivator for good writing and strong magnetism.  Personal pride can be strong and they act reserved, maintaining an air of mystery and intrigue about themselves until they are sure of their relationship.


They are a good sign for making changes in the midst of turmoil as they have the power of perseverance, ambition and leadership if other placements in the chart are strong.  Their ability to recuperate physically is outstanding and their determination is something to be reckoned with.


This month Libras are strong in the social circles during the first part of the month and then can enjoy more intense moments alone or socially during the latter part of the month. 


Scorpio will be good at organizing and displaying the master mind of a good plot.  You are at your best coming into the public arena.


Sagittarius – This is a good time to work with your hands and plant things.  Rewards are delayed.


Capricorn – You are apt to be noticed for what you have contributed, so make it known to others that you were behind the scenes.


Aquarius – Hold back on the need to let it all become public knowledge as you need to wait a little longer for things to settle down.


Pisces – Your need to be understood is creating a different way of life for the rest of the world. 


Aries – This is your month to shine and your fire will inspire many others.


Taurus – Always steady in relationships, this will be a month in which you are at your best.


Gemini – You alternate between your lighthearted self and the intensity to move mountains. 


Cancer – There are others that want to share some of your special nights.


Leo – This is a good month for you to share your wonderful thoughts and ideas with those that need inspiration.


Virgo – Social details are easy for you to figure out as your mind is determined to get to the bottom of any dilemma.